
Ok, so technically, I’m a couple of days late here….


But can you believe that it’s been a year since I separated from the Air Force?


My life has COMPLETELY changed in the past year.


Mostly in good ways. There’s been a few bumps and frustrations, but I wouldn’t trade where I’m at for anything.


Jake starts third shift on Monday. Eek! I know he’s excited to finally be going out on his own.

He’s got tomorrow off. We’re going to go take Noah to have his picture done – we got a thing in the mail yesterday for a free 8×10, and there’s no sitting fees, and I don’t see anything on the postcard saying that we have to purchase anything else.

I think I’ll drag him to some shoe stores, too. Mom’s buying a new pair of Skechers for him (since his old pair got ruined) as a Christmas gift….but she and I went looking when I was up there and no one had the right color in the style I knew he’d like, in his size, so we just decided that I’d buy the shoes down here if I could find a pair and she’d pay me back. Jake already knows that he’s getting them, so this way at least he can pick out whatever he wants and there won’t be any worries over him liking them, and no dealing with having to exchange them if he doesn’t.

I had my six week check up yesterday. If you’ll remember, I had been thinking about having an IUD put in, but I decided to go with the mini pill instead. After my experience with Depo, I’m not too comfortable with having hormones continuously running through me like that, so with the pill at least I can stop taking them immediately if I notice any problems. I start taking those on Sunday…the only thing that worries me is that since these pills are only the one hormone (progestin only, since I’m breastfeeding), it’s almost crucial that I take them at the exact same time every day. So I need to think of a good time when I’m usually home and awake and all that.

We only got two groups of trick or treaters last night. And the first group came and rang our doorbell before we even turned our light on! Have the ToT rules changed? When I was a kid, you didn’t ring someone’s doorbell if they didn’t have an outside light on! And we would have felt bad if we wouldn’t have had any candy for them, though it would have been their own fault!


Anyway, little man is waking up from his nap, so I better get off of here.


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November 1, 2006

I have to set an alarm on my phone to remind me to take my pill everyday. I am so forgetful! When do you and Jake think you’ll start trying for Baby #2? Adam and I talked about trying in January 2008. We figure if we get lucky, our kids will be a little over 2 years apart. If it takes awhile, hopefully no more than 2 1/2.

November 1, 2006

Nope, the rules have not changed! No light, no knock!

November 1, 2006
November 1, 2006

Just a warning. The mini-pill is known for drying up your supply. It did that to me and I was CRUSHED. I wanted to bf so bad and I had nothing left in my boobs. If it even begins to feel like they are not producing as much as normal stop the pill if you want to keep bfing. I wish I’d have known that and I would’ve paid closer attention to my body.

November 1, 2006

No rules of ToTing haven’t changed. We had kids like that around here. Parents were screaming at them to NOT go to houses with no lights on and they still didn’t get it. Greedy little monsters! lol

November 1, 2006

142 days.

November 1, 2006

my friend sets her alarm on her phone to remind her to take her pill and so far that has worked for her 🙂