
Umm….so yeah.


Missed my interview.


Not MY fault, though.


Jake called me about 10 minutes after I left the house. He took a wrong turn heading out to Freedom Division (where he’s doing his ride-alongs…did one last night and there’s another tonight) and got himself lost. Can’t say I blame him, because we do NOT go out to the section of town. At all. We have no reason to!! Anyway, so he didn’t have his Charlotte map in the truck anymore (and he wonders why I keep nagging at him to take it back out there!), and therefore, had been hoping I was still at home.

Lucky for him, I have my own map of Charlotte in my car, so I had to find somewhere to pull over and talk him through the directions. Yeah, we were on the phone for a good half hour, he was late, and I had 10 minutes before my interview was supposed to start….and I was too far away to make it there on time, let alone five minutes early. Eh, he had told me before I left that if I didn’t want to go, I didn’t have to. And he apologized on the phone, but we both kinda figured if they’re doing group interviews, they’re really looking for serious people, and if that’s the case, well, this isn’t for me, seeing as how I’d only be there for 16 weeks.

So I guess working at Babies R Us just wasn’t for me. Guess it’s back to the drawing board next week.

This morning was nice, though. We both actually went to bed at a fairly decent time, and therefore, woke up at around 8:30. We cuddled for about half an hour, got up and dressed, and went out for breakfast at IHOP, since we haven’t done that in….pretty much forever it seems! So we were able to spend some time just hanging out before we both had to start getting ready and all that.

Still haven’t received my other package, and I’m getting pissed. I did find out that Amazon had my zip code wrong, but I can track this package on the USPS website and it should at least be in Charlotte by now, seeing as how it left Greensboro three days ago. My mailman is incompetent, anyway. Since we don’t have a flag on our mailbox to stick up when we have outgoing mail, half the time, he doesn’t even look and just puts the new mail in without taking our stuff. Ticks me off to no end.

I did get a job referral from the unemployment folks, but I don’t think I’m going to pursue it. First off, I’m not sure that I’m actually qualified, and secondly, even though it’s only a part time thing, it’s for one of our local TV stations, and well, I’d feel like I’d be screwing them over, too.

Anywho. Think I’m gonna take a little nap, and then quick finish cleaning up this room before JR gets here. Though I don’t think he’ll be here till much later, anyway….Jake was on the phone with him earlier and he mentioned that he might have to work late tonight. I’m thinking I’ve got until at least eight, though. Plenty of time.


Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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May 26, 2006

I’m sure the right job will come along, and if not you can’t say you didn’t try! *hugs*


May 27, 2006

Enjoy your nap and have a good weekend!

May 27, 2006

RYN: Yeah, it has a timer. I just can’t set it at a good enough spot to get a good picture.