Who comes up with this stuff??? *

Heh. Just got back from the doctor’s. I got to drink Glucola….honestly, who names these things? Now, if it tasted like, well, a cola, that’d be one thing. But nope. I got to choose between orange and fruit punch, and seeing as how I’ve been on a fruit punch kick ever since I got pregnant, I opted for that flavor…and to be quite honest, I found it to be rather tasty. Nowhere near as bad as some people make it out to be!!! And I didn’t get light headed, or even feel like I might need to throw up, or anything. They should have those results back on Monday, but Dr. Cannon said she probably won’t call unless I’ll need to do the three hour test.

And of course, it’s always a good thing to hear baby boy’s heartbeat. Oh sure, I know he’s well and good in there, he makes sure I know, but that extra reassurance certainly doesn’t hurt.

Apparently, I’ve gained two pounds in the past month. I think that puts my total at about 4 pounds now? Not too shabby for being 6 months pregnant already. Although, actually, if you go by my ticker there, which goes by the actual TEN months, I’m in my seventh month now. Either way you want to look at it, only three more months to go!!

Anyway. I’m thinking about going back to bed. I’m just now normally getting up, if I went to bed at a halfway decent time. Call me lazy all you want, but it’s not like I have much better to do. Well, ok, I do, but……eh. I like to sleep, what can I say?



After my little nap, I went to Target and did some updating to our registry there…..and I couldn’t help myself, I bought some more baby stuff….

I’m going to update the Noah page on my website sometime tonight, I’ll let y’all know when it’s done so you can see those pictures.


Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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May 31, 2006

I never thought it tasted that bad either. Some women get to eat a candy bar or two instead. I think I’d rather do that. ;o)

I had the orange kind yesterday. I don’t like soda like anything but it did make me have that throwing up feeling and I had to close my eyes for a minute. I’m jealous!! I didn’t get asked if I wanted either or. I guess the lab only had orange. I hated sitting there for an hour trying not to fall asleep.

May 31, 2006

I have to have that fun testing next week… Good times 😛

May 31, 2006

I get to drink the Glucola at my next appointment. I was given the orange flavor. They sent the bottle home with me and told me to drink it one hour before my appointment. Oh joy!

May 31, 2006

Glad you didn’t get light headed or anything because I did, but you are right it’s not nearly as bad as people try to make it seem! I know the feeling about loving to sleep! I do it all day long, haha 🙂

May 31, 2006

I didn’t even know it could make you light headed…how weird. I can’t believe you are so far already! But then again, I guess I only have less than 5 weeks to go lol That is crazy to me!

May 31, 2006

I’ve heard some women say that they get the drink beforehand so they don’t even have to sit and wait the hour! That would be nice! As of my quad screen on Friday, I hadn’t gained any weight yet either. (The 2lb gain from the last d/a was gone, making me think it was just because I was weighed hours later than usual.) At least it’s good to know that I’m not the only one not gaining quickly.

May 31, 2006

I didn’t think the stuff tasted all that bad either, but I had the orange one. People certainly made it sound much worse than it actually was. Hope the results come back ok so you don’t have to go through the 3 hour test. That one isn’t as much fun, trust me.

It’s not a bad taste if you can do sweets. I haven’t been able to do really sweet foods/candy and almost threw it up several times even AFTER the test was done. I never knew I could be so happy to see a package of peanut butter cookies.

May 31, 2006
May 31, 2006

So I had the worst morning EVER. I was the biggest crab when justin picked me up for lunch break and i went to the post office to get my mail and your card COMPLETELY made me laugh and smile. 🙂 thanks for brightening my day!!

May 31, 2006

ryn: If we do, I will definitely do it on your website if I can but I think we’re getting dish through our phone/internet services so it’s all on one bill instead, but we haven’t agreed on anything completely yet.

June 1, 2006

Isn’t it crazy how when you go to the store and see something for your little one that you just HAVE to get it? lol… I know I’m like that 100%, haha.

June 1, 2006

RYN: If we keep this up, we just might end up having our kids on the same day! haha! Wouldn’t that be funny? 🙂