
Who gave my little boy permission to be two weeks old already?

He’s spending more and more time each day being awake and alert. And normally, that’s cool. But he decided that early this morning would be the perfect time to stay awake. Right when Mommy was trying to go to bed. And it didn’t help that he wanted to eat every single hour. Finally, at around 11 this morning, I had to hand him over to Jake. I was exhausted and in tears. Good thing I had some breastmilk frozen….I only ended up sleeping for a couple of hours (because my stupid neighbors were out blasting their car stereo), but little man got hungry so Jake had to thaw some out for him so that I could get some rest.

According to my scale here at home, I’ve got 10 pounds left before I’m back to my pre pregnancy weight. I’d be willing to bet that a lot of that can be attributed to my swelling.


What is it about me that makes people think that they can just not do what they tell me they’re going to do? Oh yeah…probably the fact that I don’t say anything because I’m too freaking nice. I really need to stop doing that…..there’s one situation in particular that comes to mind right now that’s ongoing and it’s to the point where it’s even pissing off Jake. Another one that doesn’t upset me quite as badly, but is upsetting all the same….I was going to buy some baby clothes from a woman on the CharlotteMommies forum….we were going to meet up at a location convenient to both of us. I told her that any day worked for me. She went a few weeks without even responding. Then finally replied and apologized. I again told her that any day was fine for me. She again didn’t reply for a few weeks. Then, I got another message from her last week, again apologizing. This time, she says that she doesn’t want any money from me and that she was even willing to just come drop the stuff off at my place, since I’ve got the baby and all.

Think I’ve seen those clothes yet?

Is it really too much to ask, wanting other people to keep up their end of a bargain?


Anyway. I’ve got stuff to do.


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2 weeks already? wow. they do grow up rather quickly don’t they? sorry that woman hasn’t kept her end of your agreemnt. that’s the pits, sounds like something that would happen to me. as i am too nice as well. people are always trying to take advantage, and sadly i let them get away with it. lol sorry, didn’t mean to make this so long! hope you have a good week! i’ll keep my fingers crossed foryou

October 1, 2006

2 weeks! Wow. That woman sounds rotten. Some people just never learned how to be decent. Thank you SO MUCH for the package! I don’t think I ever properly thanked you. I apologize for being so rude in not thanking you earlier. It was so kind of you. You’re a doll!

October 1, 2006

Time is definitely flying by. Addison is 5 weeks now. Hopefully soon she will start sleeping through the night!!! lol.

October 1, 2006
October 1, 2006

No its not too much to ask. You are a sweetie but you also need to stand up for yourself. I cannot believe Noah is 2 weeks old already!!!

October 1, 2006

Same thing happened to me….a friends in MI said not to buy a sling, that she’d just send me hers. Yea, that has yet to happen & Natalie is almost 3 months old now! I understand she has her own family & everything but don’t tell me you’re gonna send it if you don’t have time. I freakin waited for 2 months & finally broke down & went & bought my own.

October 2, 2006
October 2, 2006

wow thats harsh about the lady i say screw her.

October 2, 2006

I WANNA SEE PICTURES OF YOUR SWEET BOY! RYN- See, I’m old and senile already- at 22! 🙂

October 2, 2006

c went through a phase at about that age where he’d get up at 5 am and stay awake until his big sister woke up, then he’d go to sleep, but i couldnt b/c she was up! it was really frusterating, but it didnt last long. kudos to you for breastfeeding, esp after a c-section. ive been there, i know how hard it is. keep up the good work, he’s adorable.

October 3, 2006

Freegin internet peoples…

October 3, 2006

Two weeks already?!? Geesh! You sound like you’re all doing well though, despite the silly woman. One apology is excusable, but over and over is just rude.