

Yesterday, we got a lot of taping done (baseboards, outlets, you know). We painted one wall in Noah’s room….Jake did most of that because Noah was being a turd and I had to entertain him.

Today, Jake dropped Noah and I off at the house before he went to court. I taped the ceiling in Noah’s room (we didn’t do it yesterday because Jake insisted it wasn’t necessary….HA!). And I completely finished painting Noah’s room.

Jake showed up shortly after that. We finished taping our bedroom and started painting that. We did one wall together and then I ended up doing another wall all by myself.

Oh, and somewhere in there I also put together Noah’s toy rack thingy.

I may or may not go over there tomorrow before Jake gets up and try to knock out some more painting. I’d really like to finish the bedroom and get the living room done as well. That’s all we’re painting, and I’d love to be finished. That way, we can spend Saturday and Sunday taking over boxes that will fit in the car. Well, more accurately, Jake could be doing that while I finish packing everything else. I’d stay up tonight and do some packing, but I’m exhausted and the boxes Jake got last night are practically worthless…they’re all incredibly small.

Anyway, I need to get Jake to wake up so he can go get ready for work.








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September 6, 2007

I am glad you are making progress on the new place! Are you taking pics?

September 6, 2007

Painting is so arduous after a while. Best of luck

September 7, 2007

Busy busy! Hope the move goes well! I agree with Cass.. we want pictures!!! =D

September 7, 2007

Damn, I wish I had your drive!!!!!