We’re home!

So ok, you all already have that info from Jen  (thanks for updating for me by the way!), but, eh, I wanted to make something cute.

So, since little dude is napping, I’ll try and write what I can before he wakes up.

As I wrote before, my water broke Friday morning. It broke around 8:30 or so, but I wasn’t really having any contractions at first so I waited a few hours before going in and confirming it with the doctor. After she confirmed that it was indeed my water, I went home to wait for Jake. We went to go get some lunch first, because I hadn’t eaten anything yet and Dr. Cannon told me to go eat because they wouldn’t let me eat once I got to the hospital.

So we get to the hospital, get all checked in…..and….wait. And wait. I was having contractions, but they weren’t really strong and they were still 10 minutes apart…and I wasn’t dilating past a 3. Finally at around 5 pm they started me on Pitocin to try and speed things up. The contractions started getting much stronger, and I finally dilated to a 4, so they started my epidural….there was no way I would have made it through without that, let me tell you! I was feeling the contractions really bad in my back because Noah wasn’t facing they way he should have been (he was face up rather than face down), and I had Jake applying pressure to my back every time a contraction hit….poor guy, I guess he was pressing hard enough to where he was shaking, but it sure didn’t seem like it to me!

I started getting really frustrated….they couldn’t get the monitors adjusted right, so they were having a hard time monitoring Noah’s heartbeat as it was, and they weren’t seeing how strong my contractions really were, either. I was making very little progress with dilating.

My first epidural shot wore off and I felt like I was gonna die before the guy came back up to give me another dose. I was not getting ANY break between the contractions.

I knew that something wasn’t right, and I kept telling everyone that they had to get him out….but of course no one wanted to listen to me for awhile. They put me on oxygen three different times because Noah’s heartrate dropped so low, and they also kept trying to have me lay in different positions to see if that would make any difference.

Around 4:30 am, Jake and I were really starting to get concerned. I could hear that Noah’s heartrate was slow, and Jake was keeping me updated on what it actually was. We kept wondering why the nurses weren’t coming in to check. I was getting upset ’cause I’d been in labor for so long already, and I wasn’t dilating past a 6, despite everyone telling me that once I hit six it’d only be a matter of time.

The next thing we know, they’re coming in and they started unhooking my IVs and stuff, and it was like….uh, what’s going on? And they said "You do know that you’re going to have a c-section, right?" Well, I do now, thanks! Jake was too scared to go in with me, so Mom came. I was so scared, y’all….I just wanted my baby to be ok! They gave me a pretty good hit of the epidural, though, because I kept half falling asleep and didn’t even get to see my baby boy right away.

Afterwards, in the recovery room, I could not freaking stop shaking. They said it was normal, but man, it was annoying!

Our hospital stay was….frustrating, to say the least. I’ll write about all of that later, though. I’ll leave y’all with some pictures, and then I need to feed my little monkey…..I hate to wake him up, but he’s definitely overdue for a feeding; we wanted to wait till we got home ’cause I knew if I tried to start feeding him at the hospital, as soon as I got him latched on some one would want to come in and check something on one of us. Thank you all for your notes!

So, without further ado….meet Noah!

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September 19, 2006

Congrats! He is a cutie!

September 19, 2006

He looks so old for being a newborn! Most babies don’t have very defining features right from the start! Congrats to you both…

Random noter… Congratulations!

September 19, 2006

Random noter..congrats!!

September 19, 2006

random noter: That hospital doesnt sound that great…im glad your baby is ok. He is so adorable. Congrats!

September 19, 2006

what a cutie!

September 19, 2006

Aww he’s so little! Congrats 🙂

September 19, 2006

Yikes! I’m totally not impressed with your hospital experience (and geez, they didn’t even tell you until they were rolling you out!) And poor you, such a long labor! But he is soooo sooo cute and I’m so happy for you guys! Thanks for the update.

September 19, 2006

Look at all that hair! And how funny I joked we’d get our puppy and you’d have your baby on the 16th. The breeder is a jerk and didn’t ship the puppy like she was supposed to on Saturday, but at least Noah got the time to come out memo!

September 19, 2006

oh my gosh, he’s so adorable!! i love the picture of all three of y’all 🙂 congrats again! xo

September 19, 2006

He is so beautiful!!! I am so happy for you, Stace. I am glad you and the little dude (lol) are doing well. If you ever need anything, let me know. =) Isn’t being a Mom great?? =)

September 19, 2006

Noah and Addison are SO similiar in size and weight. He was only 8 oz. more than her at birth and 1/4 inch longer. So funny!

September 19, 2006

He is such a cutie! You guys did great!

September 19, 2006

He’s absolutely beautiful.

September 19, 2006

Ohhh he is sooo cute! Congrats! Crissi

September 19, 2006

oh stacy .. he is beautiful!!! sorry to hear you had a frustrating hospital stay!

September 19, 2006

Yay he’s here! :o) Gosh you are lucky, Nattie still won’t take to a pacifier! She’d gag at first, now she just licks it lol

September 19, 2006

He’s so precious! Congratulations! I’m sorry to hear about the hospital stay situation too!

September 19, 2006

Congrats, Stace! He’s precious!

September 19, 2006

Aww look how cute! And look at all that hair!! I’m jealous, I wish my little girl had all that hair!! lol And I know the feeling about shaking with an epidural. My arms where flopping like a fish on the delivery table!

Congrats on your cute little boy! He has so much hair!

Congrats! He is so cute!

awww he is adorable… congrats sweetie

September 19, 2006

aw he is so beautiful congradulations again

September 19, 2006

I agree with Jennifer. He already looks like he’s got some personality and distinction. Yay for you!

September 19, 2006

He looks so tall for a newborn. Congrats!

September 19, 2006

He is so precious!!! conragds sweetie I’m so proud of you 🙂

Oh my gosh, he’s perfect. Congrats girl.

September 19, 2006

Oh he’s adorable Stace! Congrats to you and Jake! 🙂

September 19, 2006


September 19, 2006

I love the picture of the 3 of you 🙂 I’m so happy you have a healthy baby!

September 19, 2006

Your family is gorgeous. He is such a good-looking baby! Look at all of his lovely hair.

What a dollface! Congrats honey! Sorry about the hospital drama though.

September 19, 2006

He’s adorable! Congrats!!

September 19, 2006

Congratulations! He’s so cute!

September 19, 2006

Aww he is precious!! Congrats!!

September 19, 2006

Congrats! He’s adorable

September 19, 2006

He’s so cute! I can’t believe how lucky you are 5lbs! I was told all the kids I would have would be horses!

September 19, 2006

Wow, look at that hair!!! I had heard that Charlotte was one of the best cities in the country to birth in, but maybe they missed your hospital! Sounds like they weren’t too into keeping you informed. At least he’s safe and sound now! Congratulations again!

Congratulations! He is so precious. Pitocin is of the devil. *nods*

September 19, 2006

HE is so cute, love the pictures you all look so happy. Love all that hair lol. Take Care Sue

September 19, 2006

awww.. too cute.. and look at all that hair! reminds me of MY son when he was born! he sure was a little guy, too! but so cute! 🙂

September 19, 2006

Congrats!!! look at all that hair! lol.

September 19, 2006

(Random noter) What a cute little man you have!

Congratulations! He is beautiful! 🙂

September 19, 2006

CONGRATS sweetheart! im sooooo happy for you two!!!! 🙂

September 20, 2006

Congrats! Noah is so adorable :o) You have a beautiful family! :o)

September 20, 2006

Congrats!! He is such a cutie

September 20, 2006

He’s so cute!!

September 20, 2006

He’s gorgeous!!! I love the pick of the 3 of you. :o)

September 20, 2006

omg stace hes adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 20, 2006

Look at all the hair he has! Wow! Congrats!

I keep coming back. I just can’t place who he really looks like…he’s just such…such a PERFECT mixture of you both. Beautiful. 🙂

September 20, 2006

congrats hes adorable

September 21, 2006

awww what a cutie!! congrats!! 🙂

September 21, 2006

Wow!! Look at all that hair!! Lucky momma!!

September 21, 2006

He’s gorgeous congrats!

aww what a cutie! sorry everything was so frustrating at the hospital, wish it would’ve gone a lot smoother. congrats! he’s absolutely beautiful!

October 13, 2006

he’s super-cute!