Well, crap.

So, remember the IRR guy that called Jake last week? Well. Jake got a letter today from him. Funny thing is that the letter itself is dated September 12, but it wasn’t mailed until October 1. Now, obviously the guy wasn’t simply calling to verify Jake’s information, because lo and behold, our current address was on the envelope. Well, it was butchered a bit, but still. Those guys are good.

Anyway, so Jake called him. The guy couldn’t talk right at that moment, but he did call back (of course, right when I had just finished making dinner). From what Jake could gather, he’s being given the option of switching into active Reserves…supposedly to avoid being deployed, but that sounds like a crock of shit to both of us. He’s supposed to call back tomorrow, so we’ll see.

I, of course, am not at all happy about this. Even if he would be able to skip out on deploying by switching to active Reserves, that means we’d be without him at least one weekend out of every month. Yes, he’d get paid and all that, but that’s not the point. I don’t even want to think of the logistics on how that would work with us only having one car.

And if this really is a crock of shit and he’d get deployed either way? Yeah, not the best timing. Just what I need, to be alone and pregnant with a toddler to boot. Logically speaking, I couldn’t even go stay with my mom or anything because she’s only got two bedrooms and her second room is tiny. *sigh* I’m trying not to stress over this, but it’s hard.

Anyway. I spoke with one of the nurses from my doctor’s office today to get my appointment with the perinatologist set up for the testing. I don’t go in for that until October 30 – they can only do the testing within a certain timeframe. This is the testing I’ll be doing first; depending on the results of that, we’ll decide from there what to do.

That’s about that.








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October 10, 2007

Random. I hope it all works out for you guys!

October 10, 2007

WOW!! You can do this Stace…..you know you can!! hell, if I could and can do it, YOU KNOW YOU CAN!!!! Congratulations!!

October 10, 2007

Ugh. Damn Army! Adam told me if someone comes to the door I don’t know and asks for him or some weird number calls and I don’t know it, don’t answer and don’t tell them where he is. I know he’d go if he had to because if he doesn’t, he’d lose his GI Bill. But it still terrifies me. We were supposed to be free from this stuff and now with 2 years still left on his IRR status, I bet they’lltry to suck him back in. What is Jake going to do?

October 10, 2007
October 10, 2007

Joe had to go to a muster for the IRR for the AF. Because of all of his health issues and disability rating, they stamped him non-deployable. That really sucks that they tracked down your address so easily/quickly. The dumbasses kept sending our mail to Wichita for a very long time. But Joe basically said that the whole muster thing was basically a scam to convince people to go active reserve.

October 10, 2007

And btw, I freaked out bigtime and looked extensively into the IRR stuff. The Army is the worst and really screws people over badly from what I read. (They would even deploy IRR people with substantial disabilities.) We came to the decision that if it came down to it he would go awol from the IRR before he’d do anything. They rarely bother to do anything,

October 10, 2007

and a dishonorable dischage from the IRR means nothing when you have an honorable discharge from active duty. Of course they might look at it differently since he’s in law enforcement…

October 10, 2007

thinking about you!!

October 11, 2007

RYN: I used First Response today and got a negative. So I don’t know. I’m still waiting and seeing. I tried those this early last time and got a negative so I’m still not sure.

October 14, 2007

*Hugs* I hope things will work out for you!

October 15, 2007

I dunno about the non-deploying thing. A friend of ours wife is Active Reserves & she deployed….it was a while ago but, as far as I know, HERE they are still deploying. Good Luck with it tho! It already looks like I’ll be home with a newborn & toddler by my lonesome for 9 months :-/