
We survived the weekend.

Noah was surprisingly good Friday night, despite the fact that he was up until 11 because Daddy and his crew didn’t get here until way late and everyone wanted to go out to eat. Somehow our waitress missed asking me or Jake what we wanted for Noah and we didn’t realize it until she was bringing the food out – I was the last to order so I had assumed that Jake had ordered something for him, but he thought I did. No big deal, he just shared with us – he was gobbling down my salad like crazy! He even ate some of Jake’s steak, which was amazing considering that he has refused any form of meat for months now.

Saturday morning, we all slept until ten. Lazed around for a bit, and then I had to hit up the grocery store because everyone wanted to grill out for dinner. Everything ended up costing me over $70 – and that’s what I normally spend for an entire week’s worth of groceries! Good thing Jake’s signed up for some off duty jobs over the next few weeks.

After I got back from the store, we all went to the park and the kids had a blast. Noah didn’t want to leave, but his cheeks were getting pretty red and I didn’t want Maddy getting overheated. I had to run back to the grocery store because I was doing a mystery shop, and things went downhill for a bit during the 10 minutes I was gone. Daddy and Carol got into some kind of argument, no one was helping Jake grill and the kids were all running around on the patio so he was getting pissed….but we got everyone fed and things settled down.

The funniest part of the weekend? Jake got Carley playing World of Warcraft. He let her play around with a few of our characters for a bit, and then she wanted to make her own. She liked it so much that Carol asked to write down some info so that they could have the game available for Carley to play when she’s with Daddy every other weekend. I made sure to tell Carol which server to put her on so that Jake, JR, Louisa and I can help her when she’s playing.

So all in all, it was nice to see everyone, and no one killed anyone else. But it sure is nice to have my house back! Last night was fairly nice, having peace and quiet restored. However….I managed to injure myself and scare the heck out of Maddy. I had just finished feeding her and was carrying her into the dining room because her bassinet was in there next to Jake. I was carrying her in a cradle hold, so I couldn’t exactly see the floor beneath me, and just as I reached the kitchen doorway, I stepped on Kasey and lost my footing and fell. Maddy is absolutely fine – the way I was holding her ensured that she didn’t hit anything – but I banged up my arm on the doorframe and hit my left knee pretty badly – scraped off a lot of skin, too. Scared the hell out of Jake since he couldn’t see what happened, only heard the cat screeching, the thuds of me falling, and Maddy screaming from being frightened. My knee is still pretty sore today, but I’ll be fine.

Anyway, Maddy’s waking up a bit, so I need to go feed her.


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August 18, 2008

OMG, I am glad ya’ll are ok….how scary that must have been…..Nice that the weekend went well….

August 18, 2008

WOW glad your both ok..

ryn- i tried a system restore twice and it wouldn’t work. kept saying it could not be restored and no changes had been made. 🙁

August 23, 2008

ryn: yes i did join charlotte mommies! i haven’t really looked around very much yet but i plan to. it looks like a really useful site. and yes, matt does make more than that but yes, i think our expenses are pretty high. i mean once i’m home we’re going to sell my car and that will save us like $500 a month. and though that sounds great – the thing is, he pays EVERY bill right now except for the mortgage, which is the most expensive bill. that’s what i pay. and an extra $500 a month in his pocket won’t get anywhere near covering the mortgage. sooo, i don’t know what we’re gonna do. i know these things tend to have a weird way of working out, but it’s hard not to stress when you know you’re going to loose such a big income, while taking on the expense of an extra person, ya know?