VA Theft info and some other stuff

For those of you that may have been affected by the VA data theft of last month…

I just got an email from DFAS with a couple of links to websites with information regarding the investigation.


The VA will also be sending out some more letters in the next couple of months. They’re taking bids for a company to provide credit monitoring services to us veterans, free of charge, for a year. They anticipate this service becoming available in mid August.

I’m really starting to get into this whole housewife thing. I’ve been a cleaning fool the past few nights. Heck, Monday night, I ended up not going to bed until it was actually Tuesday morning…like, I’m talking 6 a.m. I got so involved in everything I was doing, I didn’t even notice what time it was!

My biggest thing has been the kitchen. I can’t stand to have a messy kitchen. With the exception of last night, over the past week or so, I’ve been doing the dishes every night right after we eat. They used to sit there until the next day or sometimes even the day after that.

I’m pretty well caught up on my laundry, and that’s a good thing, too. Especially considering that, over the past four days, I’ve not only washed our clothes, but I’ve also washed our sheets and comforter, the sheets and comforter that were on the guest bed, the comforter that is now on the guest bed, AND all of the pillows (and those suckers take FOREVER to dry, especially mine for some reason).

I’ve filed paperwork, scrubbed, dusted, vacuumed……I’ve been a cleaning fool.

Now if only Jake would help me keep things clean…..

Anyway, ’tis all for now. Much to do before I go to bed…..



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June 22, 2006

I think I caught the same bug! I can’t stand a messy house. I just wish Sean and our roommate wouldn’t come after me and ruin it all!

June 22, 2006

I think someone is NESTING!!! LOL Unfortunately that phase never hit me :o/

June 23, 2006

I wish I could catch that bug! If I didn’t work, I think I would be just like you. But working and being pregnant just sucks the life right out of me.

June 23, 2006

Too little too late regarding the VA thing-it shouldn’t have taken them over a month to come up with that, and then 3+ months to set it up. I hope that lawsuit goes through. Come clean my house!

June 23, 2006

We got a letter about that the other day. They hadn’t mentioned free credit report monitoring yet though. Hopefully they come through with that.

June 23, 2006

Hmmmm, sounds like your nesting! lol Enjoy the energy to clean while it lasts.

June 23, 2006

WOW sounds like you’ve been a busy woman! Hey if you got a minute to spare come and clean my house! Hehe. =P

June 23, 2006

I didn’t know what it would take for our computer to do the things I wanted so I called my dad. He said that the computer I bought would be perfect for the things we wanted to do with it. I wish I knew all that stuff about computers! I am just not that good!

June 24, 2006
June 24, 2006

ryn: that’s okay, but thanks for the offer 🙂

June 25, 2006

and yes i’ll come see you, when am i invited?! lol 🙂

June 25, 2006

RYN: Yeah a lot of cribs no longer have drop down sides cause of all the malfunctions and babies getting hurt. I’m really short too… BUT this crib’s mattress will move up and down… so you just keep the mattress springs high and move them down as he gets older. So i think that’ll probably work for me. 🙂