Ups and Downs

Well…the past week certainly hasn’t been boring.

Thursday – Jake heard from the guy at the Department of Labor. And I’m pissed. The guy just passed us off to….the same lady that hasn’t ever returned our phone calls, the same one that didn’t even originally submit Jake’s paperwork to the VA, the same one that dragged her feet about going out to the Academy to begin with. Think we’ve heard from her yet? Nope. Jake left her a message last week, and called her office AND her cell phone today. No response. He sent her an email as well, but somehow, I doubt that we’ll ever hear anything from her. He wants to give her a day or two, and if there’s still no sort of reply, then he’s going to go back to Mr. Harper and then work his way up the chain from there.

Friday and Saturday were very trying for me. Noah was Mr. Cranky Butt. And he was scaring me on Saturday; he started screaming almost every time I tried to feed him. I don’t know what his deal is, but he’s doing much better now. In fact….the past two nights have been excellent. He’s been sleeping for seven hour stretches.

His umbilical hernia is getting smaller, too – hooray! He goes in on Thursday for his circumcision, poor baby. I’m sure the rest of the day will be pure hell for me.

I’ve been trying to do my Christmas decorating, but I’m getting frustrated. I sold our old tree because I just don’t have room for it this year. I want a four foot tree to replace it. Walgreens has four foot trees for $10-$15…but when I went there yesterday, they didn’t have any of the tickets out for those trees. The only 4 foot tree that Wal Mart has is $25, and I really don’t want to spend that much on such a small tree. I was going to compromise, because Jake doesn’t really want a tree, by hanging up some garland and then hanging ornaments from that. But that wasn’t working out so well….so I may get a wreath instead.

Jake’s raise finally kicked in, so there’s an extra $30 a paycheck. It couldn’t have come at a better time.

My dad sent me some money. I was shocked – he had said he was going to, but, I’ve heard that before and never saw anything. I bought some Christmas gifts for Noah. Now I don’t have to feel like crap because he didn’t have anything from Mommy and Daddy, lol.

Ummm….other than that, there’s not a whole lot going on around here.

So, uh…..what happened to everyone that was going to order mixes from me? 🙂


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walmart has a 3 ft tree for 10$

December 5, 2006

I hope you get the thing with the VA sorted out soon. I would’ve probably lost my mind already if I had to deal with all of that BS.

December 5, 2006
December 6, 2006
