ups and downs

So let’s see here…..this weekend was pretty good. We went out and did a lot of random stuff on Saturday, including trading in some of our old video games for new ones. I’m mad as hell at Louisa now, because while I was playing my new game, Jake went to go play The Sims, because he hadn’t played the new expansion pack yet. But what does he find? The game disc was bent. Yeah. Now, if you will, imagine a CD. No draw a horizontal line across the center. Got it? Now imagine that on only one side of the center hole, that CD is bent in half, nearly broken. That’s the best way I can think of to explain it. The only explanation we can come up with is that either Louisa did something to it when she was up here playing Solitaire (which also pissed us off, because a)she didn’t even bother to ask if she could use our computer, and b)this is our best computer, and even with all of the protection we have, she is notorious for picking up PC viruses. ), or that the kid got ahold of it because surprise, surprise, no one was watching him. And then. Today, I happened to be looking at the desk, and noticed that hidden underneath my yearbook is what appears to be scribble marks. I can’t tell what they were made with, but I know they weren’t there before. Logical explanation? The kid. He is a freaking monkey, and I got up here just in time once while they were here last to prevent him from climbing onto the desk itself, because he was trying to reach the top of the hutch where we had stashed my diecast cars.

Grr. Anyway. Of course yesterday was fabulous, what with Kasey winning the race and all.

Now. My interview on Friday. I had thought it had gone well, I talked to two of the managers for logistics. They set up another interview for me for today, and I thought it was supposed to be with the customer service manager, but I ended up talking to…another logistics person? Either that or he’s the store manager or something. Anyway, everything went fine until I told him that I’m not really available on Sundays. Well, sorry, but there is just too much that goes on around here on Sundays. So, not sure about that one. We’ll see, I guess, but in the meantime, I’m not holding my breath. Guess it’s off to Target tomorrow.

Now, some bad news tinted with good news. The good news is that I get my super cool ultrasound sooner than expected – next Tuesday, to be exact. The bad news is, I get to have it sooner because my AFP Tetra bloodwork came back, and the test for Down’s Syndrome came back abnormal, so they’re sending me to a perinatologist for this. I’m trying not to freak out, because it doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with the baby, it means that I’m at a higher risk of having a child with DS. So they’ll do the ultrasound, see if there’s anything they can detect with that, but my guess is that they’ll also want to do an amniocentesis.

Ha. And here I was, thinking that compared to some of you ladies, I was having such an easy, storybook pregnancy. Ha! I should have known better. It’s like, some law of nature that when everything seems to be going great for me for once, something really shitty has to happen just so I don’t get too comfortable or confident or something. And of course, since a baby is the one thing I’ve wanted the most in my life, and have wanted for so long, it can’t be anything little, no, it’s got to be something big that freaks me the fuck out.


I don’t normally ask for prayers, because y’all know I’m not very religious, but please, please pray for me and the baby. I don’t know what I’ll do if something’s really wrong.


Make your Doodlebug predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.

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April 10, 2006

I’m sure its impossible for you to not be freaking out, but I’m thinking of you & HOPE HOPE HOPING that everything comes out ok!!!! Let us know asap!

April 10, 2006

I would stop having Louisa & them over, they are ridiculous & out of hand. I can’t believe people disrespect other peoples things & home so much. I’m sorry to hear about the abnormal test coming back. SOMETIMES, they come back abnormal because certain tests have to be taken when you are so far along, & sometimes they think you’re that far but really you’re not, & it messes up the test (cont)

April 10, 2006

you are certainly in my prayers. when i had that downs test done, the dr. told me not to worry if it came back abnormal, because he said a lot of times those tests are wrong anyways. i’m thinking, “well why do the test then”, but whatever. maybe it will give you a little bit of reassurance. *hugs*

Don’t stress too much over that test. I didn’t even do it this time. My best friends came back that her son could have DS and the odds didn’t look good. It was a false positive. She refused an amnio because she would not have terminated pregnancy. Her son is fine. This tends to happen alot, thats why I didn’t bother this time at all.

April 10, 2006

Oh sweetie… I’ll definitely be thinking of you guys. My doctor did tell me also that just because those tests come back abnormal doesn’t usually mean anything… so hopefully everything will be ok! But I’ll definitely be sending good wishes your way!!!!!! *lotsa hugs*

I’m sure everything is fine. But I’ll keep you and the baby in my thoughts. I’d be pissed too if I found out all of those things had happened. You don’t just use someone’s computer without asking permission. And you don’t let you kid run loose in someone else’s home. *hugs*

April 10, 2006

*Hugs* I will most definitely say some prayers. Everything is going to be okay. If you EVER need to talk, I’m ALWAYS here for you.

April 10, 2006

A lot of those tests the littlest thing can throw them off. I’m sure it’s probably fine. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. Ugh. Louisa. Kick her.

April 10, 2006

I had that test done yea for two weeks I was scared to death ll was fine,but I know what you are going through. I will say extra extra prayers for you and the baby, I am a strong beliver in Prayer. Take Care Sue

I’ll definitely keep you and Doodlebug in my thoughts… and my fingers and toes are crossed for extra luck. :DI’m sure everything is fine though.

April 10, 2006

The AFP has a 95% false positive rate – meaning that 95% of the positive results are wrong. The reason for that is because it’s better to have a false positive than a false negative, I guess. Chances are very, very good that there is absolutely nothing wrong with your baby. I will say a prayer for you, regardless. But I’m very hopeful that everything is fine.

April 10, 2006

Try not to worry too much about the test. Those things come back wrong all the time. I talked it over with my doctor and didn’t even bother having one because all it does it make you nervous. I’m sure everything is fine and I’ll pray for you.

April 11, 2006

I will be praying for you! I’m sure that everything will be ok. Hugs to you. Brina

April 11, 2006

Thanks 🙂 I know, it’s crazy huh? In about 8 weeks she’ll be here!

April 11, 2006

*hugs tight* Of course your in my prayers. But I KNOW everything will be fine. :o)