
I’m sure that some of you are sick of hearing about Sean and Jeff. But I have had a few people ask about their families and such.

To the best of my knowledge, Sherry and Brayden (Sean’s wife and son) are doing ok. Jake hasn’t mentioned anything about them, so I’m not sure. But Jennifer, Jeff’s wife…..*shakes head*. She has had some weirdos hanging out around her house, so CMPD provided some officers to post guard outside of her house. Jake actually pulled a shift out there Sunday night.

And I just want to put this out there, in case anyone is interested. If anyone would like to send a card to either family, please send to the Clark and Shelton Families in care of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, 601 East Trade Street, Charlotte, NC 28202. If anyone would like to make a monetary donation to either family, there are two organizations that anyone can send donations to, and I can assure you that these are legitimate organizations and that all monies donated will be sent to the families.

Police Benevolent Fund — a charitable organization
c/o Greg Crystal
CMPD Headquarters
601 East Trade Street
Charlotte, NC 28202  

Fraternal Order of Police #9 Foundation – a 501(c) 3 charitable organization set up to help officers families in need
c/o Sgt. Randy Hagler
CMPD Headquarters
601 East Trade Street
Charlotte, NC 28202

And finally, if anyone would like to contribute towards the memorial parks being built in Jeff and Sean’s memory, you can do so here:

Shelton Clark Memorial Fund
c/o The Ace &TJ Show
4015 Stuart Andrew Boulevard
Charlotte NC  28217


You know what ticks me off? How there are people around here trying to turn this into politics. In addition to the traditional Letters To The Editor type of section in our local paper, we have a column called "The Buzz" which pulls quotes from the message board on the paper’s website. There are people on there trying to turn this into a 2nd Amendment sort of debate. What the hell? That’s not the big picture here.

And some of the women on my mommies forum? *shakes head*….the death penalty was brought up over this. Most of us want the lowlife scum sucking weasel who did this to fry. There are others that just don’t believe in the death penalty, and that’s fine. What gets me fired up is the women who don’t seem to think this should be a bigger deal than if just your everyday average citizens were murdered. "Oh, well, they knew it was a risk of the job"….SO?!?!?! Our military members know the risks, too, but that’s what makes the men and women of our military and public service forces such as police and firefighters so special – they know the risks, and they volunteer anyway. Without brave men and women such as them, where would the rest of us be?


One of the women asked (and not to me specifically, just in general) "You want this man to be put to death simply because the two men he killed were police officers?"

Here’s what I had to say about that:

This man, this crime? A huge, resounding YES. It is all too easy for me to put myself in Sherry Clark’s shoes. I’ve been giving my husband and son extra snuggles and kisses all week, because I’m so damn thankful that I still have my husband, and that my son still has his father.

But not just because these men were police officers. That’s just the icing on the cake, so to speak. I want this man to pay because tonight, there are two sets of parents out there that are missing their sons. There are two wives that are probably feeling like a part of themselves are missing. There are countless people out there missing their friends.

There’s a little boy by the name of Brayden out there tonight, missing his daddy and "best buddy", and probably not fully understanding the meaning of his daddy being in Heaven. There’s another little boy that won’t be here for a few more months, but he’s out there, and he will never have the chance to know the wonderful man that is his father.

Tonight, my husband and almost 1,700 other officers in this city are missing two of their brothers. Tonight, there are hundreds of other wives, and husbands, that have been holding their spouses and their children extra tight all week, because they know, just as I do, that it could have been their spouse in the place of Sean or Jeff.

Oh yes, I want this man to fry for what he’s done to thousands of people. He didn’t just kill two of our city’s residents. He killed two of our city’s heroes. And if given the opportunity, I’d gladly give him the injection myself.

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April 10, 2007

You know, driving down Hwy 51 this weekend, I couldn’t help but feel sadness and pride at the same time. Looking at all of those blue ribbons tied to everything and the flags at half mast broke my heart. But it also made me proud that our city came together for these men; to show respect for their lives and support for their families. And I agree that the scumbag should fry.

April 10, 2007

Puts things into perspective, I’m sure. My goodness I can’t even imagine.

April 10, 2007

Very well said. These men put their lives on the line everyday just so we could sleep safely in our beds at night, so our kids could safely play outside,etc. So why shouldnt the men/man who did this be put to death? My father is a retired police officer and i remember all the nights of worry my stepmom went thru anytime there was an office involved shooting. My heart goes out to the families.

April 10, 2007

AMEN. Murderers should be punished, whether its by a lifetime in jail or by death. Whoever did this should just be thankful that we dont live in old times when they CRUCIFIED or HUNG murderers.

April 10, 2007

Wow, your response is so well spoken….. I can’t imagine what anyone involved (yourself, Jake, the department, the families) is going through.

April 10, 2007

good reply

April 10, 2007

I think you wrote that very well and I couldnt agree more.

April 10, 2007

I couldn’t have said things better myself! Yes, the killer should be punished VERY harshly. A trial for a guy that killed an officer a couple years ago started yesterday here and I can’t help but wonder if he’ll get what he deserves. I don’t know why, but I have my doubts. Our judicial system just doesn’t always seem to be effective in my opinion. Megan

UMM HELLO… Murder.. is Murder. And eye for an eye… I cant believe some people are THAT disrespectful… it makes me sick. I am glad that you have kept all of us updated on this…

April 10, 2007

I’m going to be buying a card and sending it to the PD.

April 10, 2007

AMEN STACEY!!!! Police officers are heroes!!!

April 11, 2007

that is just so sad, such a Crazy world we live in, sometimes makes me wonder why I ever brought kids into such a crazy world, then I look at their precious faces and it’s all worth it!!

April 11, 2007

Well said.