
Yikes. It’s really been awhile since I wrote here, huh?

First off, I just want everyone to know that even though I haven’t been noting, I am still reading. I know, I know, nothing new on my end there, but I just can’t seem to spit the words out these days and I always feel odd when I leave a blank note.

So, what’s going on around here? Not much is new with me specifically. About the only thing I’m excited about that concerns just me these days is that I finally got the new hard drive for my computer. I don’t remember if I ever wrote about this, but if I didn’t: my computer has been giving me a hard drive error ever since I bought it. Finally got HP to send me a replacement drive. Package was stolen off of my front doorstep. Finally got them to send me another one. I also have a new power supply for my computer….to power up my new video card whenever I get around to getting one of those. I can’t decide which one I want because I’m not THAT geeky and so I don’t really know what makes one card better over another. Anyway.

Jake and I got new cell phones over the weekend. I really wanted a BlackBerry Curve, but you have to get a data plan with those (even if you don’t plan on using those features), so we both got LG Voyagers instead. I do like the touch screen, and I still have a full keyboard so it works.

We also got a Wii Fit this weekend. I haven’t had a chance to use it yet, but Jake has and he really likes it so far.

Jake is getting a vasectomy tomorrow. Yes, you read that right. He’s already being a big baby about it, but he knows that it’s the best solution for us.

My baby girl is officially one year old. After those first couple of teeth of hers came through, she popped out a whole bunch more practically overnight. She’s really good at pulling up on stuff, and can even stand unassisted for a pretty decent amount of time. I don’t think it’ll be long before she’s walking. We didn’t make a huge deal out of her birthday, seeing as how my mom is the only one that showed up to celebrate with us. Anyway….my sweet girl is just growing more and more beautiful every day and I just love watching her eyes light up with joy over even the smallest things.

It’s a little bittersweet, knowing that all of her firsts are the last time I’ll experience any baby firsts….but as much as I wouldn’t mind more children under different circumstances, it just wasn’t meant to be for me. Really though, I’m ok with that. My children are absolutely awesome (when they’re not driving me up the wall) and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. I don’t feel like anything is missing.

Noah is…well, Noah. Such a stubborn little boy. He’s upset with me right now because I won’t give him a snack….but he just ate breakfast. It’s his own fault if he’s still hungry, because he wouldn’t eat his dinner last night. Yes, he’s still an incredibly picky eater, but I’m tired of being a short order cook. He’s going to start learning to eat what he’s given or he won’t get anything at all for that meal. He’s certainly not going to starve, because I usually don’t have any problems with him for breakfast or lunch. It’s dinner, when I actually place new things in front of him, that I encounter problems with. He’ll get the idea eventually. Other than that, though…the boy amazes me every day with how smart he is. He’s picking up new words and phrases at lightning speed…even going so far as to start the stage where he mocks a lot of what we say. Guess that means it’s time to really start watching our language around him.

He’s still really mean to Maddy, though. He’s jealous of her in a major way and it needs to stop. For example…this morning he’s being mean to her and making her cry because she’s trying to play with the castle playset she got for her birthday and HE wants to play with it. Never mind the fact that it’s plenty big enough for both of them to play with it together….he’s going to be in big trouble if he keeps it up. Though they both play with each others’ toys, that playset is technically HERS so she has more rights to it than he does. I would be just as upset if it were the other way around.

Anyway. Jake’s talking once again about moving to Jacksonville. My mom doesn’t like that idea very much since we’d be further away from her, but we’re both really starting to feel the strain of not having anyone nearby to call on to watch the kids ever or to just go spend time with period. Moving closer to mom isn’t exactly an option, so we have to do the next best thing. And now would really be a good time. I don’t know how many of you would remember this, but when Jake’s grandmother died, Jake, JR, and Brandi sold the property to their dad. He fixed up Mamaw’s house and moved a house of his own onto the property as well. He rented out Mamaw’s place for awhile. Well, Jake didn’t tell me this until recently, but Mamaw’s house burnt down thanks to some electrical problems. So Daddy would love it if we bought a place and put it where Mamaw’s house was, even said he’d help us out if needed.

And yes, just so there’s no confusion, I am talking about trailers here. Doesn’t embarrass me a bit; I did spend seven years of my life living in a trailer when my family lived in SC, after all. It was far from trashy, and anything Jake and I got would be far from trashy as well. You wouldn’t believe some of the options these places come with these days! Anyway, yes, it will probably be aggravating living THAT close to Daddy, but then again, it’s not like we’ve made any definite plans yet, so we’ll see what happens.

And speaking of my in-laws….Brandi is in prison. Yup, you read that one right, too. She didn’t really like the restrictions of her probation, and she also assaulted an officer, so she is now doing some time. Maybe this will finally be the wake up call she needs, but I’m not holding my breath.

Aaaaannnddd….I think I’ve covered just about everything. Now that I have my new hard drive, I’m attempting to get my photos uploaded…but my card reader is being stupid, so I can’t promise any new pictures any time soon.

Check out my other blog!


lilypie 1st birthday ticker

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May 14, 2009

So refreshing to read from you again! =D I have truely missed you! =) Glad to see you all are doing good. I totally agree on having Noah eat whatever is put infront of him or not eat at all. He would miss out on a lot of great food, if he would stay as picky an eater as he is right now. I hope you will get to update more often with your new HD. 😉

May 15, 2009

ryn: yes, that’s it.

May 16, 2009

ryn: lol it’s ok. 🙂 I was just messing with ya.

May 16, 2009

Hooray, you wrote! I have missed you! Hope Jake’s big v went smoothly. I can’t believe your kids are so big already! It seems like they were just born. Good luck with your plans for the future. And thanks for the note! 🙂

May 19, 2009

ryn: yeah, I saw that. I just noticed they took the listing down. 🙁

July 14, 2009

I’m glad you are still around! I miss you! Thanks for the info on the crib, that’s good to know! It’s so cheap, I don’t even really care about if the full size bed works well or not, our rooms aren’t really big enough that it can fit a full and they’ll still have room to play…I’d rather put them in twins anyway. But still the info is good to have. 🙂 I’m glad they’ve worked for you!