
Ok, let me back up and explain a few things.

First of all, I was feeling extremely emotional and overwhelmed yesterday, and just needed to get a few things out.

Secondly. I know that I don’t need an actual shower or anything, but it would certainly be nice to be surrounded by people that care about the three of us, rather than just having people send us things. I never had any sort of bridal shower or bachelorette party; Jake didn’t have any of that, either. And that was fine, we didn’t even have time for any of that. But what did hurt is that not even our families really acknowledged our wedding. Oh, sure, they TOLD us congratulations, but we didn’t even get a single CARD from anyone. THAT hurt more than I think anyone has ever realized, and I want better for my child. This is the biggest thing to ever happen to me, and I don’t think it makes me a terrible person to want people to acknowledge the signifigance of it. And so far, I have been more blessed in that regard, we’ve received a few congratulatory cards that will most definitely be going in the baby’s scrapbook.

Thirdly. I am a worrier. It’s just what I do. I know that everything will work out in the end, but I worry anyway.

I’m sure I came across as being materialistic, but those of you that really know me know that I’m not. Sure, there are certain things that I won’t go without, and there are certain things where I won’t settle for the generic crap, but I think most people are that way. I’m trying to be realistic about this. I mean, hello, the crib we’re most likely going to be getting is from Wal Mart, and comes with a dresser and changing table for $200. The crib we REALLY want is from Target and is $350 all by itself. So we’re certainly no strangers to compromise.

Argh, I have a lot more thoughts on this, but it’s so hard to explain things like this to other people. So I’m going to stop trying.

And a couple of messages I received and conversations I had today have really helped to improve my outlook. It’s always nice to know that even when you do feel alone sometimes, there ARE people that want to help.


I am about to die here. As if having an elevated body temperature due to the munchkin wasn’t bad enough, our AC is on the fritz. Has been for nearly 6 hours now…..we had a power surge earlier, and it knocked out the desktop computer for awhile, and apparently, it screwed something up with the AC while it was at it. So it’s a good 90 degrees upstairs.

I hate this place. It’s always warmer upstairs as it is, but this is unbearable. I even went and bought another fan for our bedroom so we can have SOME relief tonight.

This crap better get fixed tomorrow, or I WILL go cranky pregnant woman on the office.

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April 25, 2006

I would love to send you a card or a little something, but I don’t have your address. Maybe you could e-mail me with it! ONLY if you feel comfortable about it, if not I can e-mail you an e-card, lol. I hate seeing people unhappy, and your not in anyway worrying about this to much, because I know having a shower is a big deal. My e-mail- PerfecMarineWife@aol.com

I hope that they get the ac fixed. I definitely know the last thing you want to worry about is feeling comfortable. *hugs*

April 25, 2006

I think cards are very important, if nothing else. I get a little hurt when I don’t get them for birthdays or important events, so you aren’t alone. You don’t have to explain yourself…I think a lot of us understand. 🙂 It is kind of hurtful when you feel like people don’t want to help you out or recognize your special day or event. I hear ya gal.

April 25, 2006

It’s 39 degrees here. Not to rub it it but I’ve been complaining about it all day. Heh, if it’s not one thing it’s another.