
So, we went and signed our new lease yesterday and got our keys. Went over and walked through the place real quick – they DID paint the other two bedrooms. Grr.

Hopefully Jake doesn’t sleep too late today because I want to go get the paint so I can get him started painting tomorrow. Or heck, maybe I’ll load up the pack n play and go over there myself. If I keep Noah in a different room from the one I’m working in, and keep the windows open, it shouldn’t be too bad. Sherwin-Williams has a paint with zero VOC and low odor, so it should be ok….if that paint isn’t too expensive, anyway. Guess I’ll find out later!

It was hilarious, though. Jake was messing with the stove and was thoroughly confused. It’s a gas stove. He was sitting there wondering if we had to actually light it with a match or something. Um, no. First of all, the gas isn’t turned on. Secondly, if he would have looked at the knob, he would have seen the "Lite" selection. Doh.

But the ugh part? He is really dragging his feet on finding someone to come help us move. Keeps insisting we can do it ourselves. Never mind the fact that it’s not at all fair to me to have to pack, unpack, AND move. And most likely paint, too. Never mind the fact that I’m going to be stressed enough about trying to get everything unpacked in less than a freaking week, as well as putting together the final details for Noah’s party. Never mind the fact that it would be a tremendous help to me if I could already be unpacking stuff while he and someone else were unloading everything. Never mind the fact that it’s going to take forever if it’s just the two of us because Noah is going to want me constantly. But no, let’s just do it the hard way. Freaking men. I think I’ll have to have another talk with him about this when he gets up. It’s just not going to work. If we didn’t have Noah, and/or didn’t have Noah’s party next weekend (!!!!), it wouldn’t be such a big deal. But we do, and it’s a lot for me to have to deal with. Not to mention I have to order new checks, and do change of address crap. Ha. At least he’s the one that has to call all of the utility companies, aside from internet. They’re all in his name except internet. Speaking of internet…we were going to switch to DSL, but there’s not a phone jack anywhere near where we’re going to put the computer. There is, however, a cable jack, so I guess we’re sticking with RoadRunner. They suck out here, but we don’t feel like running cables and wires everywhere, especially when it’s not necessary.

I do have some pictures and videos I need to share with y’all. I’ll try and get them uploaded tonight or something….I’m going to be bored senseless since Jake still hasn’t got anymore boxes for me to finish packing with like he said he was going to do. Geez, can I get him to do ANYTHING?!?!?!



Well, we’ve started painting at least. Went and got the paint and supplies (there went $100!) and started taping up outlets, door frames, etc. We got Noah’s room done so Jake started painting in there, he only finished one wall though. I tell ya, for being the son of a painter, he doesn’t know much about painting. Such as, how you really ought to do your edging first (you know, next to the outlets and frames, stuff you can’t get very close to with the roller) first, because then when you go over it with the roller, it smooths out better. And he thought it wasn’t necessary to tape along the edge of the ceiling, either…, yeah. Should have listened to me there, buddy. Now I’m going to have to go touch up the damn ceiling.

He’s got court tomorrow, but he’s going to drop me and Noah off at the house before he goes so I can get some stuff done. Hopefully my son is in a better mood than he was today….he was crabby as hell and I wasn’t able to do very much because he kept climbing all over me and wanting to nurse.


Aaaaand my son is being a crab again and won’t behave for his daddy, so I better go.








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September 6, 2007

Good Luck getting stuff done today. I am dreading moving with a one year old. I know I will never get any packing done with her home.

September 6, 2007

I hope you can get done what you need to today….

September 6, 2007

RYN: That’s what I was afraid of. lol. Adam has 2 weeks vacation and he said he’d take a week off so that would be helpful. I can pack and he can enterain Addison. 🙂