Trying to take the plunge

So…..we’re seriously looking at buying a house.

I’m so excited, and so nervous. I’m really hoping that we can find a lender that will work with us and not try to screw us over on rates. We do have quite a bit of credit card debt, though that will be going away once we start getting that VA money. I belong to a forum for Charlotte Mommies, and there’s a woman on there that does mortgage stuff, and another that’s in real estate, so I’ve been talking to them today to see where we stand. Hopefully we’ll know more by the end of the week. We’ve found some great houses in the area we want for $105,000 or less, which is amazing out here – most houses in that area, and in this city in general, are upwards of $200,000. With a good enough rate, a house for $105,000 would give us payments that are less than what we’re paying now for rent! And then we’d never have to worry about security deposits, or pet deposits….though we’d be trading those for property taxes, and actually having to pay a water bill… I’m really hoping that this all works out for us though – even though we’re not sure if we want to permanently stay in Charlotte, we just think it’d be the better option, and hey, we could always sell if we decide to move.

Other than that, there’s not a whole lot going on here. I’ve got my next appointment on Wednesday, and then I’ll start going to the doctor every week. I’ve got everything I need for my hospital bag, now I just need to pack it – well, I need to pack everything that I won’t still need for the next few weeks, and then I’m going to attach a list to it of the things that I want to take but will still need until I actually go to the hospital, so I can put all of that in there when it’s time and not forget anything! Now I just need to decide on two things – Noah’s picture outfit, and his coming home outfit. Maybe I should poll you guys on that one! I’ll take some pictures later this week of the outfits I’m considering.

And that’s really about all I have, other than to say to Rachel and Cass: I’ll be mailing out y’all’s packages this week, hopefully on Tuesday!!



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August 6, 2006

Wow a house! That’s awesome! I’ve been heavily thinking about buying a house here, only because I can’t take apartment living! Our upstairs neighbors are so loud! I’ll look forward to reading about your adventures if you pursue this!

August 6, 2006

How exciting!!! I think ya’ll would be happier in a house anyways. 🙂

I wish housing out here was that cheap. An 1100 sq ft home here costs about $190,000. A 2000 sq ft house is closer to $350,000. It’s NUTS here. I hope you guys are able to get a house. It’s a big step. *hugs*

August 7, 2006

what area of charlotte are you home shopping in? are you planning to stay in the same area? we’re personally sick of hearing about all the crime rates going up (you hear about the THREE seperate murders this weekend?), so we’re heading into huntersville. it’s really nice there!

August 7, 2006

I hope y’all get a house!!

August 7, 2006

I have a package for Noah but I probably won’t be able to mail it out until next Monday. They’re doing construction on the road right in front of the post office and it’s a bitch to get through there but they should be done by next Monday so I’ll try and venture out then. lol. Love ya!! =) And buying a house is nervous and exciting. I can’t wait until we can!

August 7, 2006

I really hope it works out for you! It would be so nice to be able to paint and do whatever you want to your house, you know? Good luck! 🙂

August 7, 2006

Good luck getting a home! Have ya’ll considered buying a home outside the charlotte limits?

August 7, 2006

thast great wish houses were that cheap out here

August 8, 2006

Hey, have you guys thought about using one of your VA loans to buy a house? They can help you get a good rate, even if you don’t have a down payment.

August 8, 2006

I did that when I packed my bags… I had everything ready except the things I needed on a daily basis… then put a list of those things on top of the bag so I wouldnt forget. Had I not done that I would have forgot every one of those things in the rush to get to the hospital.