Too much

I have way too much stuff to do this week. So far today I have gone through all of Noah’s clothes (that were in his room, at least…I still have a ton of stuff in my room) and packed up a tub full of stuff he’s outgrown that I can’t use for baby girl. Most of Noah’s stuff is VERY boyish, so it just won’t work. I do have a few things set aside that are pretty neutral, and my mom is bringing back the other stuff I’ve already sent home with her so I can go through it, but I’ll still have a ton of stuff to get. I have a load of towels in the dryer. I put some of the pictures we had done into frames – I need to get frames for the larger ones.

What do I have left to do?

  • Clean kitchen. But as we all know, that’s always an ongoing process.
  • Another load of towels
  • Yet another load of towels…thanks, Jake.
  • At least two, but more likely three, loads of colors – one load down!
  • Load of whites…..but I probably won’t have enough for that until the end of the week
  • Finish cleaning out spare room. Probably have to wash the bedding in there courtesy of the cats
  • Clean dining room
  • Clean living room….but that’s a daily thing too with the destruction Noah causes.
  • Start packing for Jacksonville
  • Mail Danny and Marissa’s package – MUST do that today
  • Go to Home Depot for light bulbs for the chandelier in the dining room – Wal Mart doesn’t have the right size, and I’m hoping Home Depot may have the right size in the energy efficient variety that will also work with a dimmer switch. No small feat there. I also need to figure out how many other regular light bulbs I need to get that are energy efficient – I hate having regular light bulbs burning now.
  • Wash our sheets and duvet cover
  • Go grocery shopping – must do that tomorrow
  • Make cookies – Jake had promised everyone at work that he would have me make some for the sort of Christmas party they had on Thursday, and then forgot to ask me. Apparantly, everyone was pretty mad at him because my cookies have quite the reputation already. Plus, I was planning on making a bunch to take to Jacksonville anyway.  – I’ve started on the cookies. I made two different kinds of sugar cookies (but I cheated, they were the Pillsbury precut ones) and just shy of three dozen M&M cookies. I’ll at least make the dough for the Reese’s Pieces cookies tonight (Thursday) but probably won’t bake them till tomorrow. Will also be doing regular chocolate chip cookies tomorrow.

I’m sure there are a million other things I need to do, but those are all at the top of the list. I can’t have my mom show up and have my house looking like a disaster area! Plus, a lot of the cleaning stuff (i.e. the spare room and the dining room) has to do with actually getting stuff where it belongs, so those won’t necessarily be ongoing projects like other cleaning.

*Sigh* all of that to do…..and here I sit on the computer. But man, I’m tired. Noah’s been waking up at 5:30 the past few days, and it’s exhausting. We’re pretty sure his molars are coming in, and they suck. He’s been pretty happy today and yesterday, but late last week? He was quite the little terror. But mixed in with that, he’s been a cuddle bug, which is definitely out of character for him….he’s normally too busy to want to cuddle with us anymore.

Anyway, I really ought to get off of here and get back to work.



lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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December 17, 2007

Whew! That is quite the list. Take it easy and rest and let Jake pick up some of the slack. 😉

December 17, 2007

Gee, I wish I could help you out! *hugs*

December 18, 2007

Take care of yourself first. All will be where it needs to be without you giving yourself a heart attack 🙂