This is what happens…

When I leave Noah home with Jake so I can go to the grocery store.

That would be the door for our under-the-stairs closet. Jake punched it. Why, you ask? Because Noah started crying about 5 minutes after I left and didn’t stop until I walked back in the door.

Better the door than Noah!

Later on Wednesday….

What are you DOING to me, Daddy?!?! (Thursday…God, my son totally has my ears. I don’t think that’s a good thing…but we’ll see.)

Grandma better not let me fall…..the ground’s pretty far away….

Mommy and Grandma wore me out with all of that shopping! (Friday….and that red mark on his face? My mom cut his nails Thursday night and left a sharp edge on one of them…so he ended up scratching his face, of course.)

So….our Thanksgiving. Long story short….Mom came down Wednesday night. She and I hit a couple of stores on Thursday that were actually open. She gave me and Jake money to go out to eat, but we missed being able to eat at the buffet by half an hour, and everywhere else was closed….so we went to Wal Mart and got some groceries, and made our own mini Thanksgiving meal. Friday, Mom and I went all over the place. Noah was VERY good all day, and Mom spoiled both of us….wouldn’t let me buy a damn thing other than the one thing I cared about getting all day, which would be "Click" – paid a whopping total of $8.58 for that, thanks to the Best Buy sale. I think the best deal we found all day though was this walking Pooh doll that Mom got for Noah (it says it’s for 18M+, but I think that Noah will still have fun watching it for the time being.) – original retail value of $33; Mom paid $15 for it. Little man also got some incredibly adorable outfits and a few other smaller things. Of course, Mom’s already got tons of stuff for him at home….

Anyway. Nothing very eventful has happened over the past few days. Though I will say that my son already has the girls drooling over him… we were in the Dollar Tree on Friday and this little girl comes walking up and just stands next to the stroller, staring at Noah. Anytime Mom or I tried to move, she’d just walk right alongside the stroller, still just staring away at Noah. It was so totally adorable.

Well, I need to get little man down for a nap….but I will say thanks to Diana for placing the very first Monkey Stace Mixes order!



Doing some online holiday shopping? Visit my website!




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November 26, 2006

Got ya randomly, jut thought i’d say that you have an adorable baby! and no you can’t say no to that face LOL take care *random noter out!*

November 26, 2006

What a cutie!

November 26, 2006

Damn about that punch in the door! Noah crying all day long must have been very annoying! lol! And I just love that pic with the ears.. he’s such a cute little boy!!

November 26, 2006

He is adorable. 🙂 You can tell he’s put on some good amount of weight. Way to go! 🙂

November 26, 2006
November 27, 2006

hes so cute

November 28, 2006

he punched a hole in the door because the baby was crying???????