this and that. **edit for rant*

I know, I know, I owe y’all pictures. But my camera is being retarded….I forgot that I hadn’t put my memory card back in after I uploaded my last batch of photos, so these new ones are on the internal memory….and for some reason, my computer only half recognizes that I have a camera plugged in….don’t ask. I might have the problem remedied once I restart the computer – the guy that Jake bought the camera from ALSO didn’t send the software, so I’m thinking that might be the problem…downloaded it off of the Kodak website, but I have to restart for it to be fully installed. So, we’ll see.


Last night was alright. We went to this new Italian restuarant that’s right up the road. We had to wait an hour to get in and get a table, and we ended up getting a different server than the one that was actually assigned to our table ’cause the originial guy was completely ignoring us. I wasn’t overly impressed with the place though…the bread was good, and our appetizer (mozzarella sticks) was good, but my salad made me feel sick…..I think it was the fresh Parmesan on it, because as long as I didn’t eat any of that I was ok – and the only part of my lasagna that I liked was the cheese on the top. So I don’t think we’ll be going there again anytime soon!


Oh, and before I conked out yesterday afternoon….I got the window fixed, went and bought some things at Old Navy (a pair of maternity pants and a maternity tank top, ’cause all of my normal clothes are already feeling a bit tight….and the cutest little teddy bear for the baby), then picked up some miscellaneous things we needed from Target….as I was leaving Target, Jake called and reminded me that I needed to deposit his check, so I ran home to get that, then went and got my car washed, then deposited the check…..then went home and crashed.


And that was about the extent of my day. Today was aggravating, I REALLY wanted some Arby’s, but the one that Yahoo said was closest to me isn’t there anymore….so I spent probably 20 minutes driving there (thanks, midday Charlotte traffic!), and another 40 minutes getting home ’cause I had to loop around through uptown to get back. Ended up settling for McDonald’s, and they didn’t put cheese on my sandwich, even though the slip said "add cheese"….bastards.

Oh, and Kristi, sorry for not responding earlier after you finished cleaning….I conked out again. Afternoon naps seem to be the norm for me lately.


That’s about all from me for now. Gatorade Duels are on tomorrow…and Sunday is the Daytona 500! God, I’ve missed my NASCAR……



Talking to Louisa on Google chat….guess Brandi has had her baby. All I know is that the baby is surprisingly healthy, despite Brandi doing her drugs, and that it weighed 8 lbs 3 oz, and JR and Louisa think it was born yesterday… Will provide more details when I get ’em.

That little fucking bitch.


If I weren’t pregnant, I would seriously beat the shit out of Brandi right now.


Ok, first all, she had her daughter on Valentine’s Day, so Louisa was correct last night when she said it was the day before.

Secondly, Social Services might not even let her take the baby home. Why? Not because of anything that was in her bloodstream, I don’t think. No, it’s because of the woman that has Christopher, Lisa. Apparently, Lisa has told DSS everything she knows about Brandi. Yes, we all know Brandi is a piece of shit, but come on now.

Then again, I’m a little mad at Daddy, too. Brandi went and called Social Services some crap about Howie (Devon’s daddy…and he has custody of Devon now), and then told Howie that it was Daddy that called, so now Howie won’t even let Daddy see his own grandson. But yet, Daddy is still wanting to help Brandi out…..I know she’s his daughter and everything, but she is BEYOND help at this point. Although, Louisa also told me last night that she heard that DSS will take the baby if Brandi goes back to Chris. Yeah, that’ll only be a matter of time. I can’t even count how many times she left him, or he’s left her, and then weeks later they’re back together.

But the main reason I am fucking pissed?


The bitch stole my goddamn name.


Yup, she named her daughter Katelynn Danielle. The Danielle comes from, of all places, Lisa’s daughter’s name. What. The. Fuck.


She KNEW that Jake and I have had that name picked out for YEARS. Hell, I’ve had Katelynn on my list since LONG before I even met Jake, and of course, he’s wanted to do it because of his mom for years and years, too.

God, I’m sitting here half in tears. Yes, I know it’s just a name, but that’s not the point. I really had my heart set on Katelynn Rae….that way, our first daughter would have names that have meaning to both of us, from both sides of the family. And now, we can’t do that.


I am SO fucking pissed. Yet another example of how Brandi thinks of no one but herself.



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February 16, 2006

if she tested positive at the hospital at birth she’s gonna be in big trouble 🙁

February 16, 2006

Sounds like you had a real busy couple of days. A nap sounds good… I dunno why, but I woke up to go to the bathroom 15 minutes ago and I can’t fall back asleep. 🙁

February 16, 2006

RYN: Over a month?? Are you crazy?? LOL.

February 16, 2006

It’s amazing how many women that do drugs have perfecting (what seem to be) normal babies & others that don’t end up having some kind of troubles to deal with with theirs. It’s really sad either way….but I’m glad to hear the baby is doing good, that’s all that matters. Well, & that she hopefully stops! Sleep for me please!

February 16, 2006

i don’t know who brandi is but can you still name your daughter katelynn anyways? i dunno if she’s family or something but if she’s just a friend, i’d still do it. that kodak software – POS! that’s what my mom uses, and it notifies the kodak program when it’s on the dock, but when you go to my computer it doesn’t show up! it’s all really messed up. luckily in charlotte we have a cannon and don’t..

February 16, 2006

..have to deal with that. matt is a computer geek, and he says the kodak software tries to conqure your computer. so watch out for that! and yeah, charlotte traffic blows!!


🙁 punch her in the face.:) It will make you feel better. promise:) if not…we’re all still listening:) We can all go punch her in the ovaries?

February 16, 2006

Oh that totally sucks about the name stealing. Some people can’t think of a meaningful name on their own and they have to steal it from others. That’s why a lot of pregnant mommies to be keep their baby’s name seceret. On the other hand, you can still name her whatever you wish even if someone else stole it from you. Don’t let it stress you out to much. Take Care! 🙂

Wow, that is really crappy.

February 16, 2006

I’m sorry hunnie…. hope things work out for you and your family!

February 16, 2006

((hugs)) What a bitch. I’m really sorry to hear that she did that.

I completely understand how you feel. I’m planning my wedding right now at the same time that my fiance’s step-sister is and I’m having to keep literally EVERYTHING a secret because she steals EVERY idea I have. And since she’s getting married before me, I don’t want her walking down the aisle to the wedding of my dreams before I get to. I can’t even enjoy planning my wedding because of her.

February 16, 2006

Well, if DSS takes the baby, and someone else adopts her…chances are it may not be her permanent name. Still, that was a bitchy thing to do. And I would love to beat the shit out of her myself, solely for doing drugs while pregnant. Can I?