The universe has spoken

You heard it here first, folks.

Seriously, I was talking to Jen about this the other night…..and I was clearly receiving some signals that I was pregnant before I actually found out…..

1. Jen, I forgot all about this one when we were talking…..when I was taking down the Christmas tree, and getting my closets downstairs arranged, I went through some stuff in our storage closet because I was putting some books out there and wanted to bring a few others back in. For some reason, I grabbed my copy of What to Expect When You’re Expecting – now, obviously, I didn’t have a real need for it at the time, but something told me to bring it in.

2. When JR and Louisa were here, we went out to eat. Louisa and I were going to have a few drinks, but lo and behold, they didn’t have a drink menu at our table, so we decided not to have drinks after all. Let’s see, that was Friday night, and I found out I was pregnant the following Tuesday.

3. That same night, we were going to just go home and have mudslides, because I had a bottle of what I THOUGHT was the pre mixed stuff. We get home, and come to find out, I had grabbed the bottle where you have to add the alcohol yourself.

4. The day before I found out, I was at the store and was going to buy more cigarettes, but they didn’t have any cartons of my brand/flavor.


Freaky, no?


And last night, it happened again. I knew we were going to go out to eat……now, I have been wanting to go to the Macaroni Grill for awhile. We tried to go once, but it was packed. I really wanted Italian last night, but something said nah, let’s go to Olive Garden…..and I thought well, Jake’s never been to Olive Garden, so yeah, that makes sense. Well, he gets home and says hey, we’re going to go to the Macaroni Grill ’cause I know you really want to go there. So I was like, suuuure…..We get all the way out there, and guess what? They weren’t open because their roof was burnt out!!!! So, we ended up at the Olive Garden anyway.

Jake seemed pretty happy with his gift. It wasn’t anything fancy, I got him a Bon Jovi CD ’cause he’s been really into stuff from the 70’s and 80’s lately, and two more seasons of The West Wing ’cause he’s been real into that lately, too. Me? I didn’t get a damn thing…..I was a bit upset, not because I expect to be lavished with gifts or anything, but because he had made comments in the past couple of weeks alluding that he already had a gift for me, and then it turns out, he has nothing. He said he had wanted to wait, and then this week he’s been so busy with the Academy……*sigh*. I do feel a little sad, after all of the trouble I went to to get out of the house without him, and then get the stuff in the house without him seeing (I bought this stuff a couple of weeks ago), and then keeping it hidden…..but, eh. I know he’ll make it up to me sooner or later.

Anyway, not much else to say, so…..laters.




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January 27, 2006


January 27, 2006

Aww, I think he will make it up to you. My husband did the samething to me on my Birthday because I keep hinting that I can’t wait for my gift, so got it late! 🙂

January 27, 2006

I didn’t get anything on our anniversary either. lol. No flowers, No card, nothing. While I took the time to write that letter to him, pouring my heart out to him. Granted, we didn’t have much money at that time and he probably figured it was best not to spend money and possibly make me mad. lol. Men!!

January 27, 2006

Holy shit Stace.. I’ve been such a bad OD friend… I HAD NO IDEA you were pregnant. I guess its because I forget YOU are under this name these days… and I dont check in as often. 🙁 … but, on the other hand.. IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!

January 27, 2006

I personally think that The Olive Garden is much better (and cheaper) than the Macaroni Grill anyways. Weird how stuff like that works out.

hm. that IS interesing.