Tag, I’m It. **

Hehe, I got tagged twice, too, Kristi!!

The first player of this game starts with writing 6 weird things/habits about themselves and then selects 6 others to write an entry about their 6 weird things/habits as well as state this rule clearly. After making your list of weird things, pick 6 others. They are allowed to laugh at you in your comments as much as they want, so deal! Don’t forget to leave a note that says, "You are tagged!" in their diary."

1. When I first wake up and get on the computer, there’s a certain order in which I check my favorite websites. OD is always first.

2. I’m like Kristi, I can’t sleep without a fan on. The louder, the better. It’s more for the noise usually than the actual air blowing around, which is why our air purifier works as well. But yeah, for the past 5 years or so, I have not been able to sleep in a totally quiet room, because then every little noise bothers me. I like steady noise that drowns out things like Jake randomly snoring and people driving up blasting their car stereos.

3. I am an organizational freak. I may not always be the neatest person, it seem that some part of my house is always in a state of disaster (then again, Jake doesn’t really help with that!), but I very often go on organization binges. Boxes in the pantry and books all have to be lined up by size or it drives me nuts – the only exception is with books, they have to be organized by author/subject first, and well, I do have one shelf that’s a little off with the sizing thing because of that. Anyway. My clothes all have to be hung the same way, and I organize them by type of garment and then colors even. DVDs are all in alphabetical order. You get the idea.

4. I hate sleeping in pajamas. Which is why I don’t like staying over at other people’s houses. Jake and I normally just sleep in our underwear. And I hate having the covers on my feet. And unless it’s really cold in our room, I don’t like having the covers over the lower part of my legs, either.

5. Some of you may find this weird, some of you may not……but I will wear clothes more than once before I wash them. Usually just pants, though. The way I figure it…..I’m sitting at home most every day, all day, so it’s not like they’re getting dirty, so why waste the water and energy to wash them if they’re not really dirty?

6. I don’t like wearing socks and shoes. I wear my slides, flip flops, and sandals as much as possible. It doesn’t bother me so much when it’s cold outside, obviously, but 3/4 of the year….my socks stay in their drawer and lace up shoes stay in the closet.


Even though the rules say to tag 6 people, a bunch of you have already done this, so…..if you haven’t done this yet, you’re tagged.



Whew. I was a busy woman today!!

I was out of the house before 10 this morning, which is a miracle in and of itself because I’m not even normally awake then, lol.

First stop was Old Navy. I saw a pair of maternity shorts on their website last night that I wanted, and they were on sale…..only, the store ended up not having them. I did end up getting myself a T shirt though, because I don’t have very many shirts that fit me anymore, and I got Noah a couple of little T shirts because they were on clearance and they had monkeys on them…..and y’all know my obsession with monkeys!

Then I went across the street to Target….found a pair of shorts there, and also got a couple of things for Noah with the gift card that Megan sent us. I’ll take pictures soon – I still need to take one of the other gift she and J.W. sent!

Then I ran to Wal Mart to grab a few grocery items….I didn’t want to do a full out grocery run, because there’s going to be a ton of people here this weekend and I’m certainly not cooking for all of them……not with everything else that’s going on. And I know that Daddy is planning on buying dinner for everyone at least once while they’re all here. So I just picked up a few things to last us until I do actually go shopping.

Came home and bummed around for a little bit. Jake got home WAY early today, which was a pleasant surprise…after he came home, I finished the Carley scrapbook for Dawn and got all of my supplies put away. Then Jake and I both took naps….I woke up way before he did though, and got busy again….made two pitchers of sweet tea and a jug of lemonade. Made cookie dough. Started baking cookies (they’re for Jake to take with him tomorrow, my little way of saying congratulations to everyone), cooking dinner, and washing dishes – all at the same time!!! Swept the kitchen floor. We ate and I made Jake take out the trash. Then we both picked up the living room a little bit – I’ll do the major cleaning of that tomorrow. I cleaned off all of the junk that I had sitting on the spare bed…..now, mind you, I just shoved it all in a crate, but I just don’t have the time right now to organize it all the way I want it.

So, tomorrow…..finish laundry. Mop kitchen. Put away dishes. Clean living room. Vacuum. Iron Jake’s uniform that he’s wearing to graduation. Piece of cake.

I’m very proud of myself – this is one of the most productive days I’ve had in a long time. Granted, my feet are absolutely killing me, but I’m so glad that I accomplished so much. Less rushing around I’ll have to do tomorrow, which means that I’ll be more calm and relaxed when everyone gets here.

Anyhoo. Time for me to start winding down, or I’ll never get to sleep at a decent time….

Oh, this is too funny.

I got a couple of new unsigned notes last night. I deleted them, because I was just going to ignore them, but the more I thought about it, the funnier it was.

I won’t even bother with the first note, because it’s all been covered before and I don’t care to repeat myself.


But the second one just cracked me up.

The second note said something about hoping my child doesn’t pick up my "unhealthy" cleaning habits. And asked if I even cleaned. Uh, yeah, did you even read this entry? Do you not realize that I’m doing overboard cleaning because we have guests coming this weekend, one of whom is allergic to cats?

I’m dying to know how washing dishes, vacuuming, sweeping my floors, and doing laundry doesn’t count as cleaning, or, at best, is "unhealthy" cleaning. If all of that is unhealthy, man, I’d hate to see what healthy is.

I clean my house, dumbass. My house is never in a state where I’d be embarrassed if someone dropped in unexpectedly. I don’t have bugs in my home. So could someone explain to me how that’s unhealthy?

I’d love for these folks to respond to this, but, unless they’ve grown a pair overnight, they won’t. I went back to signed notes only. I didn’t have unsigned notes as an option just so people could come bash me. If you’re going to bash or criticize someone, at least have the courage to sign your name. I even started wondering if one of my faves was leaving the notes, saying things they’re too afraid to say to me. And I don’t like even thinking that, because most of you have been on my favorites list for years now, so I’d like to think that you

all are comfortable enough to say what you really think.

So come on, asshats. Step up or go find someone else to bother.



Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.

Visit my website!




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July 19, 2006

I’m almost identical to you! I have to have the fan on, or I can’t sleep and my feet always poke out the bottom of the covers!

July 19, 2006

We are almost identical! I have to have noise at night or I can’t sleep, I often poke my feet out to sleep, I wear my jeans more than once, I check email/etc in a certain way each time, and I put the shoes and socks away as soon as its consistently warm enough to wear sandals. And if I’m just at home I never wear socks/shoes/slippers, I’m ALWAYS barefoot!

July 19, 2006

I wear stuff more than once too, especially stuff that needs to be washed on delicate and jeans. I mean, if I don’t get anything on it and haven’t been sweating in it or anything, then I don’t see the need to wash it right away.

July 19, 2006

i wear my pants and shorts more than once, too. 🙂 take care,

July 19, 2006

way to go, stace! 🙂

July 20, 2006

People suck. Over at the other diary, I have gotten some rude notes directed at me. It pisses me off. Ugh. And THANK YOU! I don’t wash my pants every time I wear them either. LOL

Damn straight.

I’d definitely come and visit you if I can squeeze in the time… I wanna feel the belly before Noah gets here!!! 😀

July 20, 2006

TAGGED! (For a different thing.)

July 20, 2006

Yay you! What freaking losers to have nothing better to do than ask about your cleaning.

July 20, 2006

wow some rude people