Sweet! *

So, I got a package yesterday. Or, really, NOAH got a package yesterday. From my friend Kayla, her brother, and her parents (she’s an old friend of mine from Minnesota). They sent Noah two board books, a really neat Richard Scarry book, and a $75 gift card for Target. We had lots of fun buying new things for him today. He got lots of new toys (not like he NEEDS any, lol), and some much needed pajamas and larger onesies. And a nice, soft blanket that I’ve been wanting to buy him for like, forever, haha.

I also got some good news today. I talked to a lady from the hospital and apparantly, all of the remaining charges from when Noah was born have been written off…which means less debt we have to pay off! I almost feel bad, because it’s not like we didn’t intend to get it paid off or anything like that, but at the same time, this means that I can direct all of the money that would have gone towards that, towards something else, which means we will be debt free even sooner. Never a bad thing, in my opinion.

In bad news, Noah finally snapped the chain to the necklace my mom got me for Christmas. He always grabs for that or my hair everytime I pick him up, and before I could get him to let go, he jerked his arm and the chain went snap. Very sad, but I’ll get a replacement chain eventually.

Anyway, the boy is fussing, so I’d better go. He’s very much overdue for a nap but won’t go to sleep! So let’s try this again…



I had to share this with y’all. It’s nothing spectacular, but it’s funny to me. Jake was feeding Noah the other night, and I was outside so as not to distract them. Jake came outside to get me when they were done, and when we came back in, we found Noah like this….


If you can’t tell, he was falling asleep in his chair! It was just hilarious to us the way he kept drooping down and jerking up, reminded us of when people would fall asleep in class!



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June 15, 2007

Hey.. thats cool! You’re several steps closer to being debtfree! Rock on!

June 15, 2007

Good for ya’ll!! less debt is a GREAT thing!!

June 15, 2007

I love getting gift cards!! hehe… I would much rather that over any other gift. And that’s great about the debt. I wish we would be debt free soon but God only knows how long it will take!!

June 15, 2007

That’s cool that the hospital wrote that off, but it’s not going to affect your credit, is it? I never knew people could just write off debt like that…hmm. But that’s exciting that you can use that money toward something else now!

June 15, 2007

OMG – That video is TOO cute. 🙂 Being debt free is a great thing. We’re slowly but surely getting there too. 🙂

June 15, 2007

That’s so cute!!!

June 15, 2007

Awwwwwwwwwwww, poor guy was so sleepy!! LOL I don’t know how you 2 kept from laughing out loud! hahaha

June 16, 2007

that video is hilarious

June 17, 2007

thanks for the note, i’ve got your cell programmed into my cell! i still haven’t gotten the package you sent, which is weird b/c it’s not coming that far. i’m excited to get it!!!

June 17, 2007

Lol! So funny! I guess he finally got his nap! I think I broke a bunch of my mom’s necklaces when I was little.

amen to being closer to debt free.. take it however it comes..lol