
Let’s see if I can write an entry with some sort of substance to it…..

This past week was incredibly busy. I had my regular two chiropractor appointments, and I also had an OB appointment. That one ticked me off. I had to take Noah with me because they wanted me to see one of the midwives in the practice and they only do morning appointments. No big deal there, except Noah didn’t want to take his morning nap when he normally does, so he ended up not getting one at all, so he was a little cranky from that. Still not a huge deal, since those appointments don’t take too long, right? WRONG! I wasn’t seen until an hour after my scheduled appointment time! I was getting SO ticked off, especially since no one could even have the courtesy to come in and say hey, the midwife is running a little behind, she’ll be in as soon as she can. Poor Noah was so tired by the time we got out of there that he conked out in the car on the way home. Normally when he does that, he wakes up when we go inside, but not this time. Nope, I took him straight back to his bedroom and he took a good nap.

I also went over to my friend Mandy’s house to teach her a little bit about sewing and to show her how to use her machine. Um, yeah, her machine is an old piece of crap. And she didn’t have all of the right equipment, so we didn’t get very far. I gave her a list of some basic supplies and we’ll try again in a couple of weeks – can’t do it this coming week ’cause her kids will be on spring break and there’d be too many interruptions.

This coming week will be busy as well. I have ANOTHER OB appointment, my regular two chiropractor appointments, Noah has his 18 month checkup, Jake’s doing a couple of off duty jobs on Friday and Saturday, AND we have a wedding to go to on Sunday. Man, I’m tired just thinking about all of that! And it’s looking like the rest of the month is going to continue being busy, and before I know it, I’ll be busy looking after a toddler and a newborn! Eek!

The good news is that I don’t have too much left to do in regards to getting the house good and organized finally. I’ve finally got the clutter pared down and organized enough that I can pretty easily keep most of the house clean with minimal work each day. Yay! That’ll make things MUCH easier on me once baby girl is born. It also means that I should finally be able to take pictures of the house to show y’all soon!

And…..that about sums up what’s going on around here! Now y’all know why I haven’t been writing or noting much. I am reading, though!




lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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April 6, 2008

I want to start sewing again!! isn’t it ironic, the Dr’s tell you to be there 15 min early and they are always at least 30-1hr late?? seems a little unfair to me!!

April 6, 2008

Seems crazy that before we know it, baby girl will be here! 🙂