Stuff to do.

Yeah. Lots coming up in the next month.

Jake and I really need to go get our new licenses. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but we need to just go get them renewed instead of getting duplicates with just our new address, since we’re both up for renewal within the next 6 months. No sense in having to pay for two licenses each, right? I need to find out if we can do appointments for that.

I need to finish the spare room. Mom will be down here for at least one night next month, so she’ll need somewhere to sleep. Not gonna happen with the state the spare room is currently in! It’s just so hard to do anything in there while Noah’s awake, because he wants to follow me and get into everything. But then it’s hard to do anything while he’s asleep, since his crib is on the wall that is shared with the spare room.

In just two weeks (plus a day), we should find out whether the jelly bean is a boy or a girl! But don’t look for an entry with the goods…you won’t see it. We’re not telling anyone until Christmas.

We’ll be going to Jacksonville for Christmas. Jake has four nights off, starting with Christmas night (NOT Christmas Eve, mind you), so we’ll either be leaving shortly after he gets home that morning, or we’ll let him sleep for a bit and then go. Probably option two, as my mom plans on being here for Christmas Eve and then leaving for Danny and Marissa’s on Christmas day.

I need to figure out what I’m doing for gifts for everyone. We’re still keeping it small this year, but I’m still lost for the most part. JR and Louisa are taken care of, though….and for free! I had enough points on one of my sites to redeem them for a $25 gift card, so they’ll be getting that. I know what Jake wants, I just need to go buy it. My mom wants a new Bluetooth, but I still have her birthday to shop for as well. Same thing with Danny – I not only need a Christmas gift, but a birthday gift as well! No idea what to get him, or Marissa. I have an idea of what I’d like to get Daddy. No clue for Dale or Carley. We’ll probably get Granny a gift certificate to the grocery store – we did that a couple of years ago and she loved it. Not really sure what I’ll get Noah, either. Meh. I hate trying to think of good gifts!

I need to go get my haircut. I’ll probably go do that tomorrow.

Tons of other things here and there that need done, too. Sigh. I’m gonna be busy for the next few weeks.









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November 20, 2007
November 20, 2007

You’re not going to tell anyone until Christmas?!? I can’t wait that long! LOL!

November 20, 2007

When are you going to be due, again?

November 21, 2007

Man, now I’m really counting down the days until Christmas! That would be such a hard secret for me to keep! 🙂 Take care of you!