
So, I’ve been slack about updating. I really don’t get a whole lot of time on the computer, though, because Noah doesn’t like the fact that he can’t come hang all over me, lol. Especially now that we’ve brought the cats over here; their food and water bowls are in the dining/computer room and he likes to play with them.

Anyway, we still have a few things left to move. Then comes the daunting task of cleaning the stupid townhouse. THAT’S not going to be fun.

Noah’s party was great. He got a lot of new clothes and some great new toys. I’ll post pictures as soon as I can. I still can’t believe my baby boy is already a year old! And I just turned his car seat forward facing tonight, too. No flaming for that, please – I know there are some people who think that children should be kept rear facing as long as possible, but I just can’t do it anymore. It’s a pain in the arse to get him in the car, and he gets bombarded with sunlight in his eyes; our back window is at such a steep angle that I can’t get a shade to stick on it, and he won’t keep on a hat or sunglasses. He’s probably inherited enough eye problems from me and Jake as it is; this is one thing that I can do to lessen any damage.

We go in for his one year checkup on Monday. I’m delaying his MMR vaccine….not so much because there are people who believe there is a link between it and autism, but because he’s never had a live vaccine (our ped office doesn’t do the rotavirus vax), and I’m not comfortable with him being injected with three at a time just yet. I’ll also be declining the varicella vax; it’s not required and honestly, chicken pox is NOT that bad. I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned all of this already, but when my brother and I were little, my mom took us over to our cousin’s house when they had it specifically with the hopes that we would catch it. Anyway, it’s another live vaccine and I just don’t want Noah getting it.

Other than that, not a whole lot going on. Just normal day to day stuff, really. Well, a few other things, but I don’t feel like talking about them right now. I mostly just wanted to get on here and let everyone know we’re all still alive and well.








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September 21, 2007

Addison is forward facing. I dare someone to say something to me about it. You’re a good Mommy, Stace! I can’t wait to see the party pics. 😀

September 21, 2007

We had our oldest son forward facing before his 1st birthday simply because he was super tall and sitting rear facing was uncomfortable for him having his legs bunched up all the time. But he was at the minimum height/weight requirement for switching it around long before we actually did it. As parents we do what is best for our own child, others can do it their way w/ their own kids if they like.

September 21, 2007

I can’t believe how much changes, and how fast things change, when it comes to kids. My older niece & nephew are 14 & 13. When they were little, I swear they were forward-facing by the time they were 6 months. And when they were little, people didn’t use booster seats (at least here in PA it wasn’t required?). I can’t believe Noah’s already a year!!! I still remember reading back when you juststarted to work towards separating from the military. And then I remember your sweet entry about being pregnant and when you must have conceived. My how time flies. :o) Best of luck with cleaning the old place!

September 21, 2007

Wow! Happy birthday Noah! Time flies. I really do have my suspicions about vaccinations and autism (especially after sitting through an Exceptional Learners class), so I’m glad you are delaying it. I personally don’t know that my kids, if I have them, will get it at all. I really don’t trust the drug companies or the FDA all that much to tell us even if they did prove a link.

September 21, 2007

I never realized the fussing that goes on between mothers. I read your “please don’t flame me” bit and was like “What? Flame for what now?” Sheesh, people, raise your own damn kids, already. 😉