Still Waiting

Yup, still sitting here in Charlotte.

Jake finally had his transportation briefing today. Last week, he had discovered that he could enter some stuff into some website that they use now to facilitate moves. He put something in there trying to get a pick up date for this week. Unfortunately, he had to go in and delete that. Transportation office told everyone they had to put in a pick up date at least a week out, so we’re here until at least next week.

Still no job for my mom. She’s had a couple of interviews, but they haven’t panned out yet. I am getting REALLY anxious about this. We’re already being nice by paying the entire mortgage payment for February; with me being out of school for the next several months, we simply cannot help her with money beyond that. On top of that, her free month of rent for her storage unit ends on the 5th. I don’t think she has enough money to pay for a month, and they don’t allow you to just pay for a partial month, either. However, it is already going to be confusing enough for the movers with what stays and what goes; she’s taken over half of my garage with her stuff (and that’s not even close to all of it – her storage unit is probably 20′ x 10′ and is packed full). There simply isn’t anywhere else to put the rest of her stuff to avoid having to pay for the storage unit. I don’t even know how she’s planning to get everything from there to the house; going back and forth in her truck wouldn’t be at all efficient. I just wish she would have planned things out a little better on her end, but she was in such a rush to get her stuff down here because she was terrified Pete was going to do something to all of her stuff. I still can’t get over how much stuff she even has….it’s unreal. I think she’s got more clothes than me, Jake, and the kids combined. She KNEW she was planning to move down here for over a year (not necessarily to our house, because we didn’t know we’d be leaving it, obviously; but her plan has been to move to Charlotte after she graduated to be closer to us), and she never took the time to go through her stuff and get rid of things she doesn’t need. That just blows my mind. I declutter EVERY time we move. Heck, it’s only been a little over a year since we last moved and I’ve managed to weed out quite a few things. I think most people tend to do this naturally while they’re packing anyway…..but not my mom. And yet, she always complained about how much of a packrat my grandma was.

Bleh. I’m just making myself agitated trying to think of what we’re going to do here. Which probably isn’t going to help me get over this monster cold/sinus infection I’ve been fighting.

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