Still waiting…

Yeah, Mr. Noah is still content with making everyone wait for his arrival.

I seem to be effaced pretty good, but still no more dilating.

Somehow, I gained 10 pounds in the past week. Well….probably not quite that much. It’s raining, and my flip flops don’t provide good traction, so I had to jam the grapefruits I call my feet into my Skechers, and those suckers weigh a ton, and I didn’t take them off before I got on the scale. But still……they don’t weigh that much.

*sigh* I’m really hoping that I gained so much weight simply because I’ve been eating like crazy…I always seem to be hungry. I don’t want this to be something more serious. Baby boy seems to be doing ok in there, his heartbeat is great and all that, but….

If he doesn’t come on his own beforehand, I go back Monday afternoon for a non stress test and an ultrasound to check my fluid levels and such. And depending on how all of that goes, we’ll be talking induction.


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September 13, 2006

random noter congrats on the little one! hope he doesn’t make you wait too long!

September 13, 2006

Well, atleast I’ll be used to getting up three and four times a night when I have a baby! I hope Noah makes his appearance soon!

lol he is going to be like Jayden.. and having to be evicted…lol… I hope everything goes well!!

September 13, 2006

Come out Noah!!!!

September 13, 2006

ryn: lol i keep getting that response about the blog! i’m such a GH advocate, i hope everyone watches!!! i hope noah shows up soon! 🙂

September 13, 2006

wow he really likes u take it as a compliment mine doesnt lol

September 13, 2006

He must be pretty darn comfortable in there! 🙂 I hope you’re doing well and that he makes his debut soon…

September 13, 2006

WTF? That boy just refuses to leave, doesn’t he? Time to send the eviction notice!

September 13, 2006

I’m voting for Friday. That’s what I picked on the pool.. 🙂

September 14, 2006

ryn: yeah, i have considered it. matt’s friend from work’s wife (did you follow that lol) is a teacher at CMS & she said they are 200 teachers short this year. in NC if you have the begining of a degree, are continuing school, and have the ability to become certified in a certain amount of time (i’m not sure what that is though), they let you teach if they need you enough. so i could probably straight up….teach my own class. the only thing is…i feel so underqualified as it is, i think i’d be cheating myself & the students if i did that. plus after a few bad experiences with field work & day care…i’m not sure if it’s what i want to do anymore. so, i’m really not sure. this school system is so horrible i’m terrifed to become a part of it!