Still in utero *

Unfortunately, Noah has not yet decided to grace us with his presence….I just haven’t had a thing to talk about the past few days.

I got NO sleep last night. I made the mistake of letting Riley on the bed yesterday afternoon (after I had JUST put on fresh sheets and washed the comforter on Monday, since we let the cats sleep with us Saturday and Sunday nights), and I could not.stop.itching. For some reason, only when I’m in bed, I have a bad reaction to the kitty hair/dander.

I tried taking another bath to see if that would make any difference. Nope. I tried spraying down the couch with some anti-allergen Febreeze and tried to sleep there. No dice. I tried actually putting on pajamas so my skin wouldn’t come into contact with anything. No dice. I finally gave up. After Jake woke up, I threw the comforter in the wash again.

Had a doctor’s appointment this morning. No internal exam this time, so I couldn’t tell you if I’ve dilated any more, and I therefore didn’t ask for a membrane sweep.  I can, however, tell you that I was having contractions this morning. And not just Braxton Hicks, either. The real deal….unfortunately, they chose not to become regular.

Dr. Cannon said that based upon my size, and from what she felt as she was poking and prodding my stomach, she’d estimate Noah to be right around seven pounds right now. And sure, she could be off a little, but it’ll still be reassuring for Jake to hear that.

I’ve got another reason for Noah to arrive ASAP. Found out last night that my brother is going back to SEAL support and will once again not be allowed to be further away from base than two hours, starting sometime in September (mom didn’t say exactly when). He’s bummed that he may not get to meet his nephew right away. After having to wait over three years for Jake and Danny to meet… bums me out, too. Of course, Danny WILL meet Noah long before he’s three years old, but I would love, love, LOVE it if he could come visit right after Noah’s born. Otherwise, I guess Mom and I will try to drive out there around Christmas or something.

Anyway. After I got home from my appointment, I put fresh sheets and the freshly washed (again) comforter on the bed and got some much needed sleep. I’m still tired, but I’m hoping if I stay up, I’ll be able to go to bed at a more decent time tonight.

I really shouldn’t be on the computer. It’s storming like crazy out here. The thunder is actually what woke me up. But….eh. I live dangerously like that.

But I really don’t have anything else of substance to say, so….guess I’d better go find something else to do.

Eh, it’s Thursday now. But I didn’t feel like starting a whole new entry.

Forgot to mention that my Group B test came back negative. Hooray!

I’ve been having more contractions today. Wish they’d just become regular already. I’m tired of my feet being puffy and sore. They’re so swollen that I can barely get my flip flops on… sad is that? I took a picture of my feet so y’all could see, but I’m too lazy to upload it right now. Well….too tired is more like it. I’m going back to sleep in a minute here.

Jake won’t have a day off until next Thursday. Poor guy. Something about mid term evaluation or something of the sort.

Anyway. Naptime for me again. I got a couple of hours of sleep last night, woke up when Jake came to bed, and didn’t get back to sleep until after he left for work. Then woke up because it was blazingly hot in our bedroom. So I stumbled downstairs to find that, for the second day in a row (and after I even said something to him about it last night!) that he had turned the A/C off. Gee, thanks. Heck, the only two reasons I woke up this time are a)It was STILL hot in our room (discovered that he had also covered the vent in our room with a shirt….) and b)one of my neighbors thought it’d be really cool to blast their car stereo.

Oh goody….another contraction. At least they’re not painful enough to keep me awake….I need all the sleep I can get right now.




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August 30, 2006

tell Jake not to worry about Noah’s size. The main reason Addison is so tiny was because of me having hypertension. It cut off the lack of blood flow to her. As long as you haven’t had high blood pressure or any protein in your urine, I think little Noah will be just fine. =)

August 30, 2006

I hope you get some much-needed rest soon. It must be miserable for you not getting any sleep. Hang in there, sweetie! Not much longer!

August 30, 2006

I hope he comes soon!

August 30, 2006

He’s determined to take his sweet time, huh??

August 30, 2006

Noah is a good weight no worries about him beign under I hope you get some rest.Jess was alergic to cat hair but out grew it. I cant wait to see your son in your arms

August 30, 2006

UGH! Me too is all I have to say…. to all of it! (Well except for the cat hair part of course! *lol*)

I can’t wait for him to come!!! Waiting is driving me crazy! *lol*SR CASEY WOLLERUSS FRANK CABLEREPAIR DEPARTMENT, R-22nd DIVISIONFPO AP

August 31, 2006

RYN: We didn’t give her a tub bath. We sponge bathed her. 🙂

August 31, 2006

Oh man, even now if I lived in NC and Paul turned off the A/C I’d beat him bloody!

August 31, 2006

hope he comes soon have a good day

August 31, 2006

Aw…good luck…sorry about all of your discomfort 🙁 and thanks for the update!

August 31, 2006

ryn: thank you so much!! 🙂 i don’t know why you can’t see the pictures but you’re not the first person who said that. snapfish just did a remodel of some kind so that might have something to do with it. i hope you can see the flowers if you try later on, they’re so pretty!!

August 31, 2006

Feel better!