Hey Megan, remember mentioning SPD (Symphysis Pubis Diastasis) to me a couple of weeks ago?

For those of you that don’t know….a couple of weeks ago, I was having a lot of pain in my pelvic bone area. I had no clue if that was normal or not.

I didn’t think that (SPD) was my problem, a few ladies on my pregnancy forum were having similar feelings, and some of the more experienced mamas suggested that it was the baby’s head in that region causing pressure. And it went away after a couple of days, so I chalked it up to that.

However, now I’m not so sure. It’s obviously not Noah’s head. And all this week, the pain has been back with a vengeance. It’s so bad that I don’t want to get out of bed, because that is when it’s worst. I have to sit down to put on my underwear and pants because lifting one leg at a time is excruciating. Going from sitting to standing is no picnic, and going up and down the stairs isn’t a walk in the park, either.

I did some research last night and I’m pretty convinced that it’s SPD. Everything I read described me perfectly.

What concerns me is that a few sites mentioned that this may actually prevent Noah from turning.

A lot of doctors don’t even recognize SPD, they just chalk it up to hormones or whatever, so I’ll have to see what my doctor says when I bring it up at my next appointment. Most of the sites I visited recommended visiting a chiropractor, there’s a special thing they can do that would help to realign my pelvic bone, but I don’t know if our insurance would cover that and if they don’t, well, I’m screwed because we couldn’t afford that.

I just hope there’s something I can do, because I don’t think I can take another 11 weeks of this.


In other news….I forgot to mention this before, but I officially have no sympathy left for Brandi.

She tried to kill herself again the other week, this time by swallowing some chemicals.

I know she was in the mental institute for at least a few days after that. I have no clue where she is now.

She called Daddy while she was there, and didn’t even ask how Katelyn was doing or anything.

She claims to love her kids so much, and yet she doesn’t even have the will to keep herself alive for them? It boggles my mind, especially since she’s actually been through losing her own mother at a young age.

I give up on her.


In yet other news….Jake was talking to Daddy and Dawn tonight….he mentioned to Dawn the idea of us wanting to take them all to Carowinds while they’re here for his graduation, and he was saying that since I can’t really go on any rides, I’ll get plenty of practice in with Katelyn, and in Jake’s own words, Dawn gave me a very nice compliment, and said that I have a very natural mothering instinct. Makes me feel good to know that other people have such a good opinion of me.


Anyway…..I’m gonna attempt to go back to bed. I really hate only being able to sleep in small doses.


Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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July 1, 2006

I really hope everything turns out to be ok!!! Gee.. I will never understand why people commit suicide.. do they not notice how selfish it is???

July 1, 2006

Awww.. that was sweet of her to say. I am sure that made you feel real happy. The other day my MIL told me that she knows I will make a great Mom and that really meant a lot to me. Especially coming from her.

July 1, 2006

I haven’t seen you with kids but I agree with Dawn and I’m sure you’ll be a natural. I hope you start feeling better and the baby decides to turn around.

July 1, 2006

RYN- It really makes a difference in your outlook, doesn’t it? I appreciate the fact that she was so thoughtful and kind and she didn’t have to be.

July 2, 2006

Sorry you’re in pain. I hope it gets figured out and that it’s nothing serious.

RYN: Yeesh, what a rip off. All 2% is is a lot of water with a little cream in it! I saw in one of your entries that you were having housing issues. Have you looked in the Fort Mill area, over the SC border? It tends to be a bit cheaper. We’ll likely buy a house in that area when we repatriate to the States. It’s a bit of a drive, I guess you’d have to weigh out housing costs against gas costs.

RYN: Suckage. I hear you on the moving. We moved from Charlotte to Copenhagen about 17 months ago, then from Copenhagen to Bruges last month and in another five months, we’ll be moving somewhere else. I’ve lived on my own for 10 years come March and have moved 8 times in that time frame.

July 5, 2006

Geez, I hope it’s not PSD. The good thing is that my friend from Baby Center who had it said that she felt a million times better after delivery. I think you’d still have a good chance of getting Noah to turn, since you’re still 10wk from your due date.