Soccer player

So, not that anyone cares or anything, but this kid

Kicked me for well over half an hour this morning after I got up to go to the bathroom and then tried to go back to sleep.

But I don’t mind, and Jake is thrilled, because he can feel him kick now, too. We were laying on the bed yesterday and Jake had his hand on my stomach, and Noah started kicking me….Jake wasn’t sure what he was supposed to feel at first, but then baby boy gave us a couple of really good kicks, and Jake just thought it was the coolest thing ever.

It is, but at the same time…..oy. I need something now to help support my belly. That deal at the bookstore and Wal Mart the other night? Not just from me eating too much. Happened today at the grocery store, too.

Those of you that have Bella Bands…do they work pretty well to actually support your belly, or are they really only to help hold your pants up, lol? I don’t like the idea of wearing pants with those stupid panels, especially in this weather (it’s over 90 degrees outside now, which means it’s about, oh, 80 degrees here upstairs), and I’m not too sure about those belts or whatever, either……

So if anyone’s actually reading this, some advice would be most appreciated.



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May 30, 2006

I have a Bella Band & I used it just to hold up my pants….I had to quit wearing it because the elastic around my belly was making me sick. Now, this is just ME, so I don’t know if it would do the same for you, but the tightness around my tummy was too much, I don’t like stuff around my belly like that, that’s why I wear super low-rise jeans instead of the maternity ones, just dont like stuff…

May 30, 2006

covering my belly. & you can fold the bella band over so that it’s not really covering your belly, but that only made it tighter around me & made me more sick. I wouldn’t recommend it for helping to hold up your belly, it more of holds IN your belly….like after the baby I think I might love that thing lol

May 30, 2006

I know how you feel. This child loves to kick me. Especially right in the bladder. lol.

I have NO idea…. i dont even know what a bella band is… I wish I could help ya sweetie

May 30, 2006

Congrats! I just had my first son April, and dont worry it will get better soon.

May 30, 2006

No, I’m not using anything. Everyone at work would laugh at me cause they’d catch me holding up my belly on my own from time to time. I’ve pretty much just learned to live with it…my back KILLS me, in the mornings I can barely walk, but eventually that goes away & I’m usually good for the rest of the day. I really don’t know what to tell ya. Maybe talk to your Dr about it at your next appt…?

May 30, 2006

I’ve heard a couple of women say that the support belts are actually the best thing ever. I don’t see the Bella Band giving much support though.

May 30, 2006

I”m not sure what a bella band is but my doctor gave me this belt that was elastic and wrapped completely around my belly and back. If that is it then it worked wonders for me because i was having serious problems…

May 30, 2006

one of the gals i work with is going to have to start wearing a belt soon she is ~24 weeks and they are estimating her babies birth weigh to be 9.5-10lbs and she is a tiny little thing, wore a size 0 pre-pregnancy! I’ll let you know if how she does with it!

May 31, 2006

You pregnant people on here are freaking me out about the possibility of Mike and I ever having kids. Good heavens I don’t want to go through all this!