So very tired…

I don’t feel like doing anything today. I am tired beyond belief and I don’t know why…aside from the fact that I’m growing a baby, of course. Jake and I even got into a mini arguement the other night over the amount of sleep that I require. He keeps insisting that I don’t need any more sleep than usual….uh, hello? It takes a lot of energy for me to grow your child, bud. He thinks that the extra sleep thing is something that pregnant women came up with just as an excuse to be lazy…..yeah, I’d like to see HIM be pregnant, and see what he says then! Then again, he thinks that EVERYTHING involving pregnancy was made up so that women could get out of doing things, like cleaning the litter box. Hardly. Believe me, I’d do it if I could, because he SUCKS at keeping up with it. But I’m not putting myself and the baby at risk like that.

Went to the eye doctor yesterday…finally. I’ve needed new contacts for…..a long time. And I couldn’t just order new ones, because my prescription was expired. I have to go back next week because she wants to try a different lens with me and she wants to check and see how I’m doing with it.


I think that me being pregnant is finally starting to sink in a little more with Jake. He came home yesterday, and I was in bed, trying to take my usual afternoon nap. He started rubbing my belly and asked me how the Doodlebug was doing.


Even if HE doesn’t know it yet, I know that he’s going to be such a great daddy.


I really need to get a life so I can have more interesting things to talk about.


Go do this. Since everyone else is.



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February 28, 2006

Did you know that your eye sight changes during pregnancy? Just thought you’d like to know if you plan on buying new perscriptions because your sight will just change again and it will cost you more money to change the prescription again. But if you have great eye insurance then go for it. Mine sucks! đŸ™‚

February 28, 2006

Glad that he is starting to come around… once you go to the doctor, I think everything will change!

February 28, 2006

When I first found out I was pregnant, I wanted to sleep ALL THE TIME.. Adam thought it was funny. He laughed and said “I guess my sister wasn’t lying. Pregnant women really do want to sleep all the time.”

February 28, 2006

Heh. If anything, my man is *glad* I sleep all the time because now he has an excuse to be lazy, too!

*goes to do it* lol

February 28, 2006

Thanks for the encouragement, and YOU get as much sleep as you want!

March 1, 2006

I say you make Jake read a pregnancy book, particularly the sections about hormones and their effects. Or you can just tell him that I’m an honorary expert and that the increase in progesterone you experience while pregnant (even when not pregnant in the 2wk before your period is due) can make you SUPER tired. =P

March 1, 2006

I am SO frustrated when people don’t understand how tired you are when you’re pregnant….especially MEN gah, they drive me nuts!!!