So. Um. Hi.

 I’ve been meaning to sit down and write an entry for quite some time, I just….never actually do it. I feel guilty for how I neglect my own diary, though I’m on here several times a day to read all of you. Yeah, that’s right, I’m still reading and rarely noting. I’m a ninja like that.

So, what’s going on in our little world here? We almost had to find another place to live – they were going to stop using Jake as a courtesy officer and thus wanted us to start paying normal rent. Uh, yeah, not gonna happen. But last I heard, we’re going to be able to keep our discounted rent, so that’s one less thing to stress about.

I have a huge hole in my kitchen ceiling. We had an issue with the air conditioning pump leaking (and it’s kept up in the attic unit)….not a pretty thing. Three of my cabinets are either warped and ruined or at least got a little mold/mildew junk in them. I tried to clean the cabinets as best as I could, but there’s still some crap in there that I can’t get to….hopefully they’ll do something about that.

Anyway, so one night Jake and I are sitting on our computers and we hear an odd noise from the kitchen…turns out that the light fixture was coming loose from the ceiling. Oh, joy. Guy came out the next day to take a look and replaced the fixture, but left us with a big hole that still has not been fixed, and it’s been weeks now. I’m not really thrilled about it because that’s obviously screwing with our electric bill.

We were also without A/C for over a week. When the A/C guy came to check out the leak, he thought he fixed the problem, but no….the A/C worked for a couple of hours and then died again. So he was at our house every day for over a week trying to figure out what the issue was…because every time he’d do something, it’d work for a couple of hours and then quit. The problem ended up being that the pump upstairs is wired to a light switch up there…so every time he was leaving and turning off that switch, the pump would freeze up after a couple of hours and the whole thing would shut down. So, now that light upstairs has to stay on apparantly….eh, doesn’t come from my electric bill, so I don’t care as long as I have A/C.

Jake is now wanting to apply to the highway patrol. Another guy he works with kind of put the idea in his head, and it would be a good fit for him, since he definitely prefers the traffic side of things (LOVES catching drunk drivers!). Other guy said that if they both got accepted, he’d even put down the same counties as Jake for preferences….guess he really likes working with Jake. Anyway, the drawback to this is, if he does get accepted, he would have to attend training in Raleigh for three months next summer. Which means that we would lose our discounted rent, since Jake would not be available to the property. The likely scenario, then, is that the kids and I would have to go stay with my mom for the summer…oy, that’s a nightmare I don’t really want to think about right now – we’d be crammed into her spare bedroom. I’d almost rather go stay with Jake’s dad – he at least has two spare bedrooms, and we’d be close enough to go get Jake for weekend visits. Eh, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there I suppose.

The kids went to visit my mom for a week last month. I missed them like crazy, but it sure was nice being able to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Jake and I also had a nice dinner and a movie date night….first time we’ve seen a movie in a theater in I don’t know how long.

I need to get myself in to see a doctor soon. My sleep issues are getting ridiculous, and there are a few other things that are concerning me…like the fact that I haven’t had a period since around Maddy’s birthday. As far as I know, I’m not pregnant….haven’t had a positive test, at any rate. The kids and I are sick with summer colds right now, though, so I’m holding off on a visit until after I’m over this, at least.

I think that just about covers everything.

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