So much to do….

….and so little time to do it in, it seems.

I’m getting frustrated because I’m trying to sell off things we don’t need anymore, and I’m not having a ton of luck. I have a feeling the majority of it is going to end up going to Goodwill or the church that our friend is the pastor at. Nothing against donating, but the money would be nice to have since I won’t be in school for the next several months.

Jake had to leave a little earlier than we originally thought. He went to MEPS on Thursday to swear in and get his official orders, and the report date listed was for Saturday. So, he had to leave on Friday. Since the kids and I aren’t with him yet, he was able to get a room in the transition barracks, so at least we’re not having to pay for lodging for him. Unfortunately for him, since this is a holiday weekend, he can’t get anything done until Tuesday.

We spent several hours on the phone yesterday doing a bit of house hunting. He drove around the neighborhoods on post to get a feel for them, and said there were only two that he’d even consider (out of the ones that would actually be offered to us). He says the post is kind of crappy – roads aren’t well maintained, most of the housing units (that are still the old buildings – Campbell doesn’t have a lot of newer housing yet) are in disrepair, that sort of thing. A couple of the neighborhoods, he said the houses are packed in there like sardines, and there’s not much parking available. So, he drove around yesterday while I directed him to various addresses. For various reasons, we ended up with only one house left on our list. I think we might do some more of that again today; I might send him out to a few neighborhoods that are a little farther out than the boundaries he gave me yesterday.

Just want to get somewhere to live lined up so we can get the movers out here and go. We all miss Jake terribly already, even the dog. Poor Sam keeps following me around and searching the house for Jake. My mom is still driving me batty. I can’t get 5 minutes to myself unless I’m sleeping. She still hasn’t found a job, and that of course is stressing me out.

Anyway, guess I’d better continue my chore of weeding out the junk amongst our belongings.

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January 20, 2013

Good luck with the move! One of my friends on FB just moved away from Campbell. Maybe I can get some ideas from her and send them your way as far as housing?