So much to do!!

Ah, I have so much to accomplish in the next couple of weeks…..

Gotta finish that scrapbook for Dawn.

House needs to become spotless – and STAY that way!!

Still have tons to do to get the computer reorganized – we reformatted this weekend, and for those of you that have ever reformatted…well, you know how that is, getting everything set up the way you like it again!

We have SO many people coming out here for Jake’s graduation. My mom may be coming down for it. Ray and Denise are coming, not sure about Jay (Jake’s best friend – Ray and Denise are his parents, and Ray is a cop out in Jacksonville. They call themselves our "spiritual parents" and our "adopted parents", lol)….Daddy, Dawn, Carley, and Katelyn will be here. JR, Louisa, and Dale will probably be here. Daddy and that crew will be here for that entire weekend – thank God they won’t all be staying at the house! Daddy’s allergic to cats, so they kind of have to get a hotel room.

And then the weekend after that, I’ve got at least 6 members from my politics forum coming out here for our little convention, along with two spouses and three children, and possibly some of their friends that aren’t even members of the forum. Not a large gathering by any means, especially when you consider how many members the forum actually has, but this is also the first year we’re doing this.

Other than all of that craziness, there’s not a whole lot going on here. I went grocery shopping today, and was rather proud of myself – I only spent $100 on two weeks’ worth of groceries. Granted, I did already have stuff for a few night’s worth of dinners here at home, but I also ended up picking up a few items that weren’t originally on my list, so it evens out I think.

Oh! And the good news is, Riley is doing MUCH better – all on his own! I’m still keeping an eye on him, just in case, but he’s been acting pretty damn normal all weekend.

Anyway, that’s about all for me. I know I still owe y’all a belly pic, but I haven’t even taken a new one yet, so you’ll just have to be patient! Can you believe I’m already 29 weeks? Where in the heck is the time going? We still have so much stuff to get!!


Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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July 2, 2006
July 3, 2006

I hope you get everything done! Stay sane. 🙂

July 3, 2006

Make sure you get your rest too hunnie!

that sounds like a ton of people… well one sure thing.. stace will be busy. take care sweetie

July 3, 2006

Whew! You have a lot to do, but that will make the time go by even faster than it already has been. 🙂 I hope you have a lot of help and that you can get some rest too. 🙂

I can’t wait to send baby clothes… I’m gonna HAVE to send some Navy, of course! 😀

blah blah blah blah blah, your a Very boring “person” to read. I hope you are a more exciting mother to your “baby” than you are a diary writter. and cats SUCK.

I hope your baby is not as ugly as you and your husband. and yes, you are FAT.