So let’s see here…

Had an OB appointment yesterday. Very short appointment. Baby girl’s heartbeat is good, measuring right on schedule, mucous plug is nothing to worry about. I’m going to be seeing one of the midwives at my next appointment, mainly just so I’ve met at least one of them since they rotate with the doctors at the hospital.

Had a chiropractor appointment afterwards, and it was a crappy adjustment. I’m feeling worse today than I did before the appointment yesterday. Eh, I go back tomorrow.

Half of baby girl’s room is painted. I need to go in there today and move some stuff out so that we have room to move the bed over so the other half can get done tonight. I’ll probably do that when Noah goes down for his nap.

Got my new sewing machine yesterday! I haven’t had a chance to play with it yet, but I may pull out some scrap fabric tonight just to practice a bit. Mom went and bought the desk I decided to get for it since it’s from KMart and she gets an employee discount and all that, so I won’t be doing any real sewing until this weekend. And yes, I’m paying her back for the desk – it just worked out better to have her buy it and bring it down here, rather than me trying to drag Jake to the store. Trying to get Jake to go to a store unless there’s something HE wants is like pulling teeth!

Mom should be here Thursday night hopefully. She’s not SUPPOSED to have to work on Friday, though she said last night that that may change because a lot of people called in sick yesterday. if they don’t make their numbers for the week, they’ll have to work on Friday to make it up (this is for her full time job, not KMart, in case anyone is confused). So, we’ll see. I’m hoping she won’t have to work on Friday, because she wants me to wait to take Noah to see the Easter Bunny until she gets here and I don’t really want to deal with the mall on a Saturday.

Other than that, not much else to report!



lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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March 18, 2008

We need to see some pics when baby girl’s room is finished.

March 18, 2008

Baby girl needs a name! 🙁 poor thing. (well, as long as she’s not baby girl AFTER she’s born… heh) Anyways, hope all goes well with your moms visit, including timing… and I agree with Cassie! We must see pics.

March 18, 2008

You sew very nicely! Maddy uses that blanket you made her all the time. 🙂 I’m glad your appt. went well!

March 18, 2008

we are 29 weeks! (lesbians) We are having a boy..congrats!

March 19, 2008

yes, pictures!!