So… *

Noah’s napping, so I should have time to get this all out.


Daddy is insane. So is Brandi, but we already knew that.

We got to Jacksonville around 10 or so Thursday night, as we had to stop a couple of times for Noah. Daddy and Brandi were drunk and crying. Which pissed us off, because they HAD been going to AA. We found out that Daddy had wanted to go, but Brandi convinced him to go to the ABC store instead. She’s worn out her usefulness. She is no longer a help to Daddy.

Anyway. So we went and stayed at Granny’s because there wasn’t a spare bed at Daddy’s anymore, Dawn took it.

Friday. We went and saw Daddy’s new house that he’s building. Still has a lot of work that needs to be done, but it’s nice so far. Then Jake, Granny, Noah, and I went to go visit Becky (Jake’s cousin).

I know we did some other stuff, but for the life of me, I can’t remember what. But Friday wasn’t too bad.

Saturday rolls around. We went out to visit Ray, Denise, and Jay. Denise gave me $30 to get Noah a present, and wanted to give me more, but Ray had gone off somewhere and had the rest of the cash. She wanted to fill up our gas tank, too, but I wouldn’t let her. It’s not her responsibility!

We went back to Daddy’s. I was trying to fix his computer, because Brandi had managed to get a ton of spyware on it. Not to mention, he does NOT keep up with his Windows updates…he didn’t even have Service Pack 2 installed! Well, one of the spyware programs totally screwed things up when I tried to uninstall it, to where the computer wouldn’t load Windows anymore. Whoops.

We were all supposed to go out to dinner, but Daddy got obsessed with "research" – trying to find out where Dawn was. He gave Jake $40 and he and I took Granny out to a local restaurant.

Jay called Jake after he got off of work and wanted to hang out. Jake wasn’t going to go at first, because it was 10:30 by this time, but Jay called him again, and I told him I didn’t mind if he went as long as he didn’t spend a whole lot of money. They went and played pool and then went and sat around at the Waffle House. While they were there, guess who they ran into? One of my old friends from Seymour Johnson! I guess she’s moving out to Jacksonville and even has a job lined up at the same company where Jake worked back in high school. Small world, huh?

Sunday. Brandi’s gone missing. Daddy finally tracks her down at some crackhead’s house and drags her home.

We go out to visit Lisa – she’s the one that has Christopher (Brandi’s middle child). Daddy’s trying to get information about Dawn out of her, but no dice. But rumor has it that the girls are staying with Dawn’s parents, so I call over there in the hopes of Jake and I being able to see them. No one answers.

So, Daddy convinces us to go drive out there. We had to drop him off, since of course he’s not allowed on the property. No one is there. Daddy’s throwing a fit.

We get back to the house, and Daddy starts up again with his "research". Jake and I were getting pissed, because Daddy had said that he was either going to take us out to eat, or make dinner for us, to make up for Saturday night. We finally announce that we’re leaving. He doesn’t even acknowledge us.

We go out into town to get something to eat. We get back to Granny’s, and she tells us that Daddy had come over there looking for us, and got mad as hell when she said we weren’t there. Yeah, well, maybe if he’d been fucking paying attention to us, we wouldn’t have left! We all start getting into a conversation about Daddy and Brandi. Granny tells us that Brandi has apparently had ANOTHER abortion in the past few weeks. Doesn’t surprise me, because when we walked in on Thursday, I immediately thought she looked pregnant.

Anyway. Jake falls asleep on the love seat. I go to bed with Noah. Midnight comes and goes. At about 12:20, Carol (I guess you could say she’s Daddy’s new girlfriend, but he’s known her for awhile) comes over, visibly upset. Apparently, Daddy’s research has led to him calling every hotel in Jacksonville. And then he and Brandi took off because they thought they had found Dawn in a hotel. So Jake and Granny are calling them, trying to get them to turn around. I was woken up by the commotion, and wanted to slap the shit out of Brandi – when Granny was on the phone, Brandi got on and was telling Granny to shut the hell up. Excuse me? I would NEVER talk to MY grandmother that way!

They come back. Jake calls his dad and tries to reason with him, but then Brandi had to get on the phone and start causing problems.

I got pissed. I’d had enough. We went out there so that Daddy could spend some time with his newest grandson. And oh, us too, seeing as how we hadn’t been out there since April, and hadn’t seen any of them since July, when they came out for Jake’s graduation. I was tired of being disrespected. So, I got it into my head that I didn’t want Daddy having that picture of Noah that I made.

I went marching over the house. As soon as I opened the door, Brandi was yelling "Get out!". I ignored her, seeing as how she didn’t even know who it was (and as a side note, if you don’t want people walking in, LOCK THE DOOR!!!). She starts running her mouth as I walk over to the shelf that Daddy had put the picture on. Ignoring Brandi, I said, quite calmly, "I just came to get this. If you’re going to disrespect my husband and our family, then you don’t even deserve to have this picture of my son. And you won’t be seeing my son again anytime soon."

Brandi starts going off on me. Telling me that I don’t understand what Daddy’s going through. Yeah, I DON’T understand, because I’VE never had my kid taken away from me! I don’t WANT to understand! I started yelling at her about how, regardless of how much she thinks she’s helping Daddy, she’s doing nothing but getting him into worse trouble. She tries to say that Daddy’s a grown man and she’s not making him do anything. Sure, but you’re not helping him to make the right decisions, either….you’re encouraging him to make the wrong ones!

She starts getting up in my face and then Jake comes running in, screaming at her to get the fuck away from me. Some more yelling ensues, but honestly, I can’t remember much of what was going on because I was so pissed off, I was having a rage blackout. Jake and I walk out, and Jake kicks over Daddy’s grill. Daddy comes out and says something to Jake about picking it up, and Jake just screams back something about Daddy fixing Dawn’s TV (when he had gone over to Gary’s house before, I guess he busted up her TV while he was there. Nice.).

We go back to Granny’s. Some rapid phone calls ensue. Lots of ’em, because Daddy kept hanging up on Jake every time Jake mentioned that we drove all this way out here to see him, and all he can do is obsess over Dawn. Guilty conscience much? Finally, Jake told his Dad that we would NOT be visiting out there again for quite some time, and, in fact, he didn’t want to talk to Daddy until he could prove he’d been sober for at least 90 days.

We stayed up for awhile, afraid that they’d come over and try to start something. Melissa (my friend from SJ) drunk dialed Jake’s cell phone. *rolls eyes*

We all finally go to sleep. Surprisingly, Noah slept through ALL of


Monday morning. Daddy comes knocking on the door at about eight. I was the only one awake, and I certainly wasn’t about to answer it.

Once Jake got up, we got our stuff together and left. We stopped in Fayetteville for a little bit and visited with JR, Louisa, and Dale.

Monday night, Daddy called Jake. Said something about he had come over to Granny’s wanting to apologize. Jake didn’t want to hear it. He simply asked his dad, "Did you go to AA today? No? Well, I guess I’ll try again tomorrow" and hung up.

Then, Dawn called me. They hadn’t received our message because they had been in Raleigh. Jake and I both talked to Carley. She sounds WAY different now, and it makes me sad that we couldn’t see her. I talked to Dawn again for a little while. Yeah, I’m pissed off at her for everything she’s done/is doing, but now I’ve also seen what Daddy’s doing and he is literally stalking her. In fact, he was driving past their house continuously while I was on the phone with her.

Last night, Daddy called again. Kept trying to get Jake to talk, but again, Jake was only interested in knowing whether or not he went to AA. He didn’t, so that was that.

It’s all just bullshit. Jake and I have TRIED to get his Dad to do the right thing and leave Dawn alone. He’s never going to get Carley acting the way he is. But it’s not even about Carley anymore. He just seems to want to "get" Dawn. And I am NOT having my son around that.

I’m sure I’m leaving stuff out, but I just got progressively more ticked off throughout the weekend, so I don’t remember much more.

Oh, and we never did fix Daddy’s computer. But without a means to slave his hard drive, we would have just had to reformat anyway, and I’m sure he can get someone else to do that.

I’ve got other things to write about, but I think that’s enough for now.

Oh, I almost forgot. Jake was so worked up Sunday night that he was ready to have Daddy involuntarily committed to a mental clinic. He gave up when he couldn’t find a number for the magistrate’s office. He even told Daddy that he needed to get some help…..but Daddy seems to think that he can’t afford to commit himself. Yet, somehow, he can afford to pay $7,500 to bail himself out of jail every time he violates the protective order? Please.


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Log in to write a note
January 3, 2007

Whew, Im worn out from reading your entry! Sounds a bit chaotic!

January 3, 2007

Oh man. I’m glad that you guys were able to stay at Granny’s at least and didn’t have to be in the middle of that the whole time you were there. I hope he comes to his senses, and soon.

Oh wow….thats some drama.

January 3, 2007

I’m sorry things with your in-laws are so crappy and that it over-shadowed your holiday. I hope he gets some help so you, Jake, and Noah can rebuild a relationship with him. *hugs*

I think you guys did the right thing by telling Jake’s Dad to get his act together or he won’t see you guys or Noah. I hope he cleans himself up.

January 3, 2007

^ That was my note. No idea why it signed me out.

January 3, 2007

wow and i thought my xmas was bad hugs gikrl and maybe stay home next year

January 3, 2007

RYN: Yeah, I know. She’s been doing really well so I’m not worried.

January 3, 2007

How chaotic. I’m sorry your family is pulling this bs. You and Jake are doing the right thing by cutting him out of y’alls lives until he can get help. He’s only going to cause more problems and you guys certainly don’t need that!

January 3, 2007

RYN: I know. Thanks for the advice.

January 3, 2007
January 3, 2007
