
I would REALLY love to get some darn sleep.

Got a lot of stuff I want to do when I get up. And I do mean a lot. Mostly cleaning sort of things.

I’m doing alright, and as far as I know, Doodlebug is doing wonderful. She/he doesn’t seem to like most anything I eat, though. My stomach keeps threatening to regurgitate everything I eat….luckily, I manage to keep most of it down, but I feel like crap almost all day. Today was worse than usual.

Jake is doing good. He is really making more of an effort to be involved in all of this, and that makes a world of difference to me. He still insists that it’s a boy, but I told him if family history is any indication, it’s gotta be a girl with how sick I feel. My mom was pretty sick with me. She also gained 60 pounds when she was pregnant with me…let’s hope I don’t go that route, seeing as how I’m already overweight!

Anyway. Going to attempt to go lay down again. I tried going to bed a couple of hours ago, but I laid there for half an hour with no signs of being close to falling asleep, so I’ve been sitting here dinking around….but I think it’s time to try and sleep again.


Oh, and I hope I didn’t piss anyone off with that last entry there. That certainly wasn’t my intent. Like I said, those of you that know Stacie, if you want to remain friends with her, that’s your call, of course. I just wanted to put that out there so you guys would know what happened and so that maybe it won’t happen to you. I love all of you like sisters (and I can say that ’cause I don’t have any male readers that I know of!)…….and I just want you all to be safe and happy.



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February 9, 2006

Sorry you’re feeling so sick, hun. Don’t feel badly about eating whatever it is that makes you feel better for now. I have a friend who lived off of baked potatoes and corn chips during her 1st trimester!

February 9, 2006

*lol* Thats so funny that the above reader said that cause I live off baked potatoes and caesar salad! But I feel ya on the feeling sick part… I can’t wait for this first trimester to be OVER!

RYN: Sorry! 1814 Westchase Drive, Charleston, SC 29407. Will read later!