
I’ve been roped into going to Virginia Beach, after all.

When Mom called Danny to tell him we weren’t coming, he got VERY upset. And we didn’t think he would…he’s just doesn’t normally let things like that bother him. I guess Marissa has changed him in more ways than we thought!

So, I’m going to drive up to Mom’s on Saturday…..I thought about going on Friday, but, eh. I don’t want to be gone from home for too long. So, we’ll go up there, and then when she gets home from work (yes, she works on Saturdays….and most Sundays, too. She hasn’t had a day off in over three weeks. And they work 12 hour shifts. It’s madness.), we’ll drive out to VA Beach. We’ll spend Sunday there, and head back to Mom’s sometime Sunday night. And then Noah and I will head home Monday morning so that we can be home by the time Jake gets up, and he will get to spend all of his awake time on Christmas day with his son. It’s a little longer travel time for me and Noah, but it breaks the trips up a little bit more, instead of being in a car for 6+ hours in one shot.

And we’re taking my car, which makes me feel better since I KNOW Noah’s car seat fits properly in there, and I have more storage space for everything, since Mom doesn’t like to put things in the bed of her truck. And my car is just all around more comfortable.

I’ll be finishing up my Christmas cards tomorrow, so if you haven’t already said you want one, now would be a good time. And make sure I have a current address, I know a few of you have moved this past year!

I had to go through Noah’s drawer last night. Goodbye, everything in preemie/newborn sizes. Even the pants! Heck, he’s already outgrown some of his 0-3 month onesies…but I’ve noticed that, just like with adult clothing, different companies have slightly different sizing, so that’s really no surprise. Anyway, he’s also fitting into some of his 3-6 month stuff. My little boy isn’t quite so little anymore! And to think his clothes used to just swallow him up…At least I’ve done a good job at helping him to catch up to other babies as far as size goes!

Anyway, I need to get to bed. I actually got little man to go down at a somewhat decent time tonight. Friday night, I was EXTREMELY thankful that Jake had the night off, because Noah would NOT go to sleep and was driving me nuts. Jake actually got him to take a pacifier – which he hasn’t done in over a month – and he fell asleep sucking on that at, oh, one in the morning. Last night I was on my own, and he wouldn’t go to sleep until close to midnight. Tonight, he was asleep by 10:30, which is much closer to his normal time. But he’s an early riser, so I’d better go get some sleep while I can!


And hey…go leave me some presents down there!


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December 17, 2006

you got mine! your card goes out this week!

December 17, 2006

I was the first. So there. 🙂

December 17, 2006

I packed away all of Addie’s 0-3 months. Except for the pants because most of those still fit her. A lot of the 3-6 months fit her too, they’re just long on her. I guess she’s going to have short legs. lol. I am glad you reached a compromise on seeing your family too. Be careful with all of the driving. *Hugs*

December 18, 2006

isnt it sad putting away there baby cloths

December 18, 2006

where did you get the lovely anouncement type ething on your front page. i think it’s so pretty.

December 19, 2006

i can’t believe he’s already outgrowing clothes…time has flown by!!! be safe on your trip. the card is precious 🙂