Save OD!!!

Megan’s latest entry prompted me to go read the DM’s new entry, which, like Megan, has prompted me to write an entry of my own.


If you haven’t seen the DM’s entry, OD is in trouble and needs our help. Because of the hacker attacks we had, OD lost a lot of members, and therefore lost a lot of revenue. The DM has been struggling to keep the bills paid for this site, but he’s $10,000 behind, and the server company has been pretty patient with him – until now.


If y’all can spare it, please go spend just the $12 required for a 6 month subsription to OD Plus. Every little bit would help so much. I whipped out my credit card and spent $100 for the new Lifetime membership level. Even though I may come and go at times, OD has been such a major part of my life these past three years. You guys are the best friends I have. This site allowed Meredith and I to keep in touch much more effectively than just emails ever could. I couldn’t imagine losing any of the rest of y’all if this site shut down. You guys have been through every step of my marriage with me – the deployments, the fights, the good times…..everything. I’d hate for y’all to not be here with me through this HUGE journey I’m on now.

OD has over 400,000 members. If only 100 of us pay for the lifetime subscription, that’s all the money right there that the DM needs to pay off this bill. But imagine if every single member spared $12 for a 6 month subscription – that’d be $4,800,000!!! Imagine how long he could keep the site running just off of that!


Please, y’all. I know money is tight for most of us right now, but just $12 could make such a huge difference. If I could afford it, I’d buy lifetime memberships for ALL of my favorites…but that would end up costing me well over $2,000! But that’s how much this site means to me……we just can’t let it shut down like that.



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February 2, 2006

Thanks, Stacy. =)

February 2, 2006

we cant live without OD! :-/

February 2, 2006

Just caught you on random… Good for you for renewing lifetime! I just renewed mine for a year last week… Grrr I still may go ahead and do the lifetime thing anyway.

February 2, 2006

Wow. I had no idea. I would love to buy a Lifetime Membership… but Adam would so kill me. And we definitely don’t have that kind of money. But I do spend $24 a year to buy a subscription. 🙂

February 3, 2006

I shall do the same when I get my tax returns back. *nods* yep. Will do.