Real Quick *(q)

I’m still in shock over receiving a letter from my dad. He is one of the worst correspondents that I have ever met. And I’m not sure I spelled that right, but I’m not overly concerned with it right now, y’all know what I mean.


Jake starts the Academy tomorrow. We’ll find out more about the insurance stuff hopefully, though I already know for a fact that nothing in the policy will take effect until the end of February, so I won’t get to see a doctor until then, not even to have them confirm that I really am pregnant. You would think that four positive pregnancy tests and all of these symptoms would convince me, but I’m paranoid, and I’ll write more about that later tonight or tomorrow.

And right now, the Panthers can kiss my ass. They are playing horribly. But congrats to all you Steelers fans.


Gotta go. Dinner’s ready (I was letting it cool off a bit), so I’m gonna go stuff my face.


Oh, and ignore the ticker. I’m supposed to be exactly 6 weeks today.

Not in the mood to really write any more tonight, but I wanted to steal this survey thing from Cass before I forgot….

  • About The Mother

    • Age? 22
      Height? 5′ 3"
      Pre-pregnancy weight? We’re so not going there 😛  <— I’m with Cassie on this one!
    • About The Father
      Name? Jacob
    • Age? 22
      Height? 5’11"
      Are you still together? Last time I checked! lol

      About Your Pregnancy
      Is this your first pregnancy? Yes

    • When did you find out you were pregnant? January 17th, 2006
      Was it planned? yes and no…we weren’t necessarily trying, but we weren’t doing anything to prevent it, either
  • What was your first reaction? Utter amazement.
    Who was with you when you found out? No one….it was 4 in the morning!
    Who was the first person you told? Miss Cassie, since she was online shortly afterwards…..then I called my mom….Jake found out later in the day after I bought him a couple of books 🙂
    How did your parents react? My Mom was in shock. But she’s happy, of course! My dad doesn’t know yet. His dad and Dawn are both super excited.
    How far along are you? 6 weeks
    What was your first symptom? Swollen, achey boobs.. and cramping  <—– Same here!
  • What is your due date? September 17, 2006
  • Do you know the sex of the baby? Not yet
    Have you picked out names? We’ve had a girl’s name picked out for years, but I’m not sure if we’ve settled on a boy’s name just yet.
    If so, what are they? Katelynn Rae for a girl (as long as his sister doesn’t steal the Katelynn part….most of y’all know that story) and possibly Seth Jacob for a boy.
  • How much weight have you gained? A couple of pounds.
  • Do you have stretch marks? Yeah.. but not from pregnancy. I’m just a fat girl. lol. <—– sad, but true for me as well. 
  • Have you felt the baby move? I’m not that far along <—-duh, ditto for me, especially since Cass is further along than I am!
  • Have you heard the heartbeat? Not yet
  • About the birth
    Will you keep the baby?
    Uh, yeah. Why the heck wouldn’t I?
  • Home or hospital birth? Hospital
    Natural or medicated birth? Epidural, please! I have a low pain tolerance lol.  
    Who will be in the delivery room with you? Jake if he wants to be, and my mom if she can get the time off of work.
    • Will you breastfeed? If I can.
      Do you think you’ll need a c-section? Of course I hope I won’t, but it’s a little early to tell.
    • Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time? Most likely!
    • What’s the first thing you might say to him/her? Hello!
    • Would you let someone videotape the birth? No way. Maybe some pictures afterwards, like the ones I took of Louisa and Dale, but that’s about it.
      Are you excited about the birth, or scared? Excited, scared, nervous, and everything in between!


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    January 22, 2006

    I don’t know if it should be congratulations or sympathties on the pregnancy, so pick the appropriate one!

    January 22, 2006

    hows doodlebug? 🙂

    January 22, 2006

    I am paranoid too. I have 3 positive tests but in the back of my mind I keep thinking “What if I’m really not?”

    🙂 adorable edit.

    January 23, 2006

    🙁 tell jonathan to let me have a baby. Hes such a bonehead. he wants one, but would rather it accidentally happened right now. and he is into the “the longer we wait the more money we will have for it” mode. like thats the only thing that holds him back right now. HE EVEN TOOK ME SHOPPING FOR BABY STUFF. *rips hair out*

    January 23, 2006

    ryn: yeah i keep telling him (since shelly and her boy both make WAY less than me and jonathan but whatever) and btw, last night we spent time online looking to see if there is a carpentry union in NC. 😉 CUZ I SAID IF WE’RE MOVIN WE’RE MOVIN TO DA CAROLINAS!