
Yesterday was a pretty good day for me. I made a pumpkin pie, hit up three different stores to get some shopping done (more on that in a sec), gave the kids baths, spent some good quality time playing with the kids and Jake…it doesn’t seem like much when I write it out like that, but it’s more than I would have been motivated to do all in one day just a week ago, so I’m happy.

So my shopping adventures for yesterday weren’t my usual grocery store or Target runs….nah, I got to to do a little fun shopping. I stopped in at Babies R Us first in the hopes of locating a particular dress for Maddy – I’m taking her in to get pictures done tomorrow. And see, that right there is a testament to how bleh I’ve been about everything, and for how long…these are technically supposed to be her one year pictures, and we’re halfway to two now. I’ve been really slack about taking pictures of the kids, period, which is also unlike me…..I have hundreds of pictures of Noah from just his first few months, and I feel guilty all of the time because I haven’t taken nearly as many pictures of Maddy. I know that’s pretty common with second, third, etc. children, but still.

Anyway, so I found her dress – now let’s just hope it fits her ok. They only had one in a 24 month size; the rest were all 9 months or smaller. It might be a little long on her, but I think it’ll be alright otherwise. I had to restrain myself from buying anything else while I was there, though…lots of cute stuff! But, I had a gift card for her for Old Navy, so I headed over there next. I got her a couple of shirts and a cute pair of jeans with fleece lining. I had intended to get a couple of shirts for myself, but I didn’t like them as much in person as I did on their website.

Went off to Target after that, which was mainly a typical errands run. I did pick up a couple of shirts for myself there, though, and a new book.

Whoops, need to cut this short…just realized that it’s naptime. I actually didn’t take a nap myself yesterday and I felt really good all day….but today I’m kind of dragging along, so I think I will take a nap. I thought I had slept ok, though I did wake up once…but I also didn’t wake up when Jake came home, and he’s pretty loud, so go figure. But I didn’t wake up feeling refreshed like I have the past couple of days….not sure what the problem is there.













lilypie second birthday tickers




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November 9, 2009

I hope this is the beginning of an upswing for you and the meds help. Take Care!