Pregnancy topics

Well, since everyone else is doing this, I figured I would, too……

Pregnancy Precautions:  I don’t have any particularly strong views either way concerning this….as one of my faves so aptly put it, you can’t avoid everything!! Drug usage, however, is a big no no in my book. Smoking and drinking? Certainly not the greatest things in the world for you OR the baby, but MANY doctors will tell you that a drink every now and then is ok, and for smokers, even my genetic counselor told me she’s ok with women merely cutting back, as trying to quit smoking altogether is EXTREMELY stressful. My friend Melissa’s doctor had her cut back to no more than 6 cigarettes per day while she was pregnant, and her baby girl was absolutely healthy. Dying your hair is cool after the first trimester….I really want to get mine done, I haven’t dyed my hair in ages, but I’m too afraid that the dye won’t take properly. And of course, we all know about eating healthy, but the main thing with that is to listen to your body – it’ll tell you what you and the little one need.  

Medicated vs Natural Birth: I say, whatever works for you!! I know myself, and I know that I have a very low pain tolerance, so I will most likely be getting drugged up. I certainly don’t think that makes me any less of a woman or mother; it means that I’m doing what’s right for me, and I also think that if I’m not in pain, I’ll be able to enjoy the whole experience a lot more.  

Home birth vs Hospital birth: Hospital for me! I’d much rather be surrounded by medical professionals and modern medical technology, just on the off chance that something goes wrong. More power to those that do home births and all, but it’s just not for me. This is such a personal choice, and I really don’t understand why some women look down on women that choose the opposite of what they’re doing. Either way, you’re bringing a new little miracle into the world, and you should do that in surroundings that you feel more comfortable in. If that’s your own bedroom, great, but there’s certainly no shame in going to the hospital, either.

Non-Medically Necessary C-Sections: I certainly wouldn’t have one, but I understand why some women do – they like the convenience of having the birth scheduled so that they can plan certain things accordingly, among many other factors. I myself have a couple of reasons for wanting a planned labor – so that mom can schedule her vacation time so that she can be here, and one other reason that’s very personal to Jake that I don’t feel like sharing right now. However, I’m not going to ask for a c-section to accomplish that. Induction, maybe, but not a c-section.

Circumcision: I understand the pros and cons from both sides, and I don’t really think there’s a right or wrong answer. Again, a highly personal choice. Our son WILL be circumcised. No argument. We agreed on that one a looong time ago. And I don’t care if anyone thinks I’m an evil, mean mommy for subjecting my son to the procedure, or for making that decision for him. As parents, that’s part of our job – to make decisions for our children until they are old enough and mature enough to make them on their own.

Infant Ear Piercing: Another very personal choice. I don’t have a problem with it, but when we have a daughter, I don’t think I’ll be doing it myself. This is one thing that I WILL wait and get my child’s input on. Ear piercing is not as big of a deal as circumcision, but circumcision is more painful and more difficult as the child gets older, and I’d just rather have that done and over with before baby boy can even remember it. My ears were pierced when I was four, and old enough to ask to have it done on my own, and I’ll probably just do the same with my daughter.

Breastfeeding: I want to breastfeed, and will certainly try to do so, but there are many women who don’t want to or can’t breastfeed, and there is absolutely no shame in that. Breastmilk may be best for baby, but some women just can’t do it for various reasons.

Co-Sleeping: Eh……if it works for you and your family, great, but I’m not doing it. Baby boy will be sleeping in our room for the first few months, but not in our bed. I’ve seen first hand what happens when the child (and sometimes even the parent!) gets TOO attached to sleeping together, and personally, past a certain age, that sort of attachment isn’t healthy, and I’m not going through the struggle of trying to get a child to sleep in their own bed. If they’re in their own bed from the very beginning, it’s not nearly as much of a problem.

Discipline/Spanking: I’m iffy on this one. I don’t necessarily think that spanking is wrong, but due to my own personal experiences as a child, I would like to refrain from it as much as possible. There are much more constructive ways of getting a child to do something you want them to do, or to NOT do something they shouldn’t be doing. However, I do realize that those other tactics may not always be effective, and sometimes, especially in very serious circumstances, a spanking may be the only thing that really registers in the child’s mind. But I don’t agree with spanking a child under the age of two except in the most extreme circumstances, as I don’t feel that they are quite old enough to really understand what is happening.

TV/Video Games: I certainly don’t have a problem with either. I watched TV, I played video games, and I turned out alright. There are many, many educational shows and games out there that are also entertaining. I don’t believe in using either as a baby sitter, however…..parents do need to monitor when their kids are doing these things, and for how long, and ideally, should be doing them WITH them. Moderation is the key here. Too much TV or video games is not a good thing, but when balanced out with plenty of other fun toys and games and outdoor activities, they’re great.

Stay at home moms vs Working moms: I prefer to be a stay at home mom, because I don’t want someone else raising my child, and I want to be there for all of those important milestones. However, I realize that this is not an option for everyone, and in fact, may not completely be an option for me. Some families need that extra income; some women just can’t stand to be home all day and need the intellectual and social stimulation that a job provides.

Religion: Jake and I are both agnostic right now, so religion doesn’t play a very important role in our lives, though it may someday. However, we won’t be forcing our children to practice any religions unless they want to (though, until they’re old enough to actually make that decision, they’ll be attending church with us if we do get involved with any religion), and they won’t be forced to follow whichever religion(s) we may choose. We’ll encourage them to find a religion that best suits THEM and THEIR spiritual needs.


Whew. More to say, but that’s enough for now.

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I saw this on the front page! lol

& that would be lovely OD signing me out again…….!#$^#$^@#%^@#%^ so sick of this!! [Island Style]

April 21, 2006

Random noter sounds like you guys are all set, i agree with you on nearly everything but at the ned of the day its you and ur husbands baby and you need to raise it as you see fit not how someone else wants it to be done. Have a good weekend hope ur well! ~L~

April 21, 2006

Wow, I didn’t realize my little entry would set off a chain of debates lol

Gonna have to do this one later. RYN: We’ll see. I have a bit more to get. It will HAVE to be in June though. First couple of weeks.

April 21, 2006

ryn: good point. We’ll at least wait to make sure he qualifies for disability (which is almost guaranteed since they’ve proven the AF caused him hearing damage) and then burn them. I think I’ll keep the BDU paints for painting and mowing the lawn and icky stuff, the tops are going. I’m much calmer about it now though. Thanks for the note.

April 21, 2006

And I agree with you on everything pretty much here.

April 21, 2006

No wonder you and I are such good friends. We think exactly alike. Isn’t that what we said on IM the other night? haha. 🙂

April 21, 2006

RYN: For some reason they seem to believe just because I write about my life it becomes their concern…as if it effects them in any way at all!

April 22, 2006

hi stace remember me i havent been on forever. congrads on ur news. i alson now have a baby hes 10 months old later

April 22, 2006

I want your little duck pic!! 🙂

May 7, 2006

I also agree with pretty much everything, but you honestly seem pretty “middle of the road” on things, but I REALLY agree about the spanking, especially with my temper, if I spanked, it’d quickly become more like abuse, better just to NOT go there!!!! Besides, my kids are pretty good proof that you DON’T need to spank to have well behaved kids. LOVE this entry!