Poor baby!



Noah and I had a playdate today at Charlotte at Play with some other September 06 mommies and babies. And of course, he wanted to be sleepy right before we left. He slept for a bit in the car, but not nearly long enough….so that combined with a lot of people and noise made for one very unhappy little guy. He was clinging to me almost the entire time, and if he wasn’t, he was pouting and crying. I felt so terrible….I wanted him to have fun! Ah, well, there’s another opportunity for him to play on Saturday.

He’s actually been asleep for the past hour or so. He fell asleep on the way home, but then woke up when we got here and played for awhile.

I’m getting pissed. Jake hasn’t got any more money from the VA yet. He was trying to tell me that it took a few weeks last time, but I went back and looked…gotta love the fact that I write about things like that here! From the day Jake talked to the guy and he said he’d send a check, to the day we received ’em, was only a little over one week. I mailed in his last form (for the second time) well over a week ago. To Jake’s credit, he did try to call yesterday but was on hold for like, half an hour.

I sold some more stuff today. I’m participating in a decluttering challenge on a forum I’m on, and I set my goal at 300 items. Technically, I’m already over that with all of the pictures I’ve scanned and then tossed this week, but I didn’t keep an actual count so I just said 20 handfuls. So far, I’ve gotten rid of 160 items.

Now if only I could sell everything else! I’m not doing too badly, though. I made $30 the other week selling stuff, and so far this week I’ve made $23.50, with another $20 coming on Friday.

That’s about all I’ve got for now. A boring entry, I know.



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August 15, 2007

That’s cool that you’re organizing and making money. I need to start selling some of my 12 million excess books.

August 17, 2007

What kind of stuff do you sell?