Poor baby

My little man isn’t feeling so good.

We went to the doctor to make sure it wasn’t an ear infection; thankfully, it isn’t. No infection in his lungs, either. So it looks like, if anything, it’s just the beginning of a cold.


He’s been Mr. Fussy ever since yesterday. Not a happy camper unless someone’s holding him AND he’s got something jammed in his mouth. He’s not eating very well. We thought at first that it was just gas, but nope, no such luck.

My poor baby. He’s not sleeping well, either. He’s asleep right now, but this is the first nap he’s taken all day.

But, in good news, he’s up to 7 lbs, 7 oz.

Which means we can inflict some pain on him and go get his poor little penis snipped.


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Man, you have more balls than I do – no pun intended, LOL – to take him in this late for a circumcision. (Then agian, I’m anti-snipping of the penis ever since I watched the procedure.) But still. I’d bawl my eyes out. You’re strong, woman! 🙂 I’m glad he’s gaining weight though. That’s always a good sign. I wanna see more pictures of the lil’ man!

RYN: First – lunch. Yes. I should be up in Columbia actually the week of Lillian’s birthday, so it’s funny you mention that. Second – I can’t explain what came over me. I mean, I was ALL for snipping it until I saw a video on it. For me, anyway, there’s no reason to have it done. Not medically & not religiously. It serves the same purpose of having a female circumcised and you know that’s considered brutality in the US. ANYWAY. Again, even if I believed in it still, I’d have to bring a box of tissue with me for MY tears. 🙂 That’s why I admire that about you. I couldn’t do it. Keep in mind, and you should know me well enough to get this, me stating my thoughts doesn’t mean you don’t have my full support in YOUR decision for YOUR son. Do you have my new number? I’ve lost yours. God, it’s been HOW long since we’ve seen each other? Over a year?

October 11, 2006
October 11, 2006

I hope he starts feeling better soon!

October 11, 2006

Poor baby!!! Fussy is never fun..it breaks your heart, and drives you insane from the lack of sleep. lol Crissi

October 11, 2006

Wow, he’s growing like a weed! So I don’t think I’ll be having a shower on the 21st. =) I keep forgetting to send out invites, and now I have an induction scheduled for the 27th. (EEEEE!!!) So I’m thinking a “meet the baby” party about two weeks later. I’m sure people would rather see a baby than a big ol’ pregnant woman anyway. =P

October 12, 2006

hope he feels better soon

lol, poooor kiddo. hope it goes better for you..well for him 🙂 gl with the snipping of the penis.