Poke poke, snip snip

My baby boy is gonna be two months old next week.

And the day he hits two months, he gets to receive all kinds of lovely immunizations. Poke, poke.


And on December 7th comes the snip, snip. Yup, just made an appointment for his circumcision. It’s being done by a pediatric urologist, and this guy comes HIGHLY recommended by other mommies around here. I wish we could have it done a little sooner, but, hey, the guy’s in demand.

The good part for us? Since this will be done in Dr. Perez’s office, it’s considered a specialist office visit, and therefore, will only cost us the $30 copay.

With all of the other bills we have, that’s a godsend.

Because who knows when we’ll see that damn VA money. They’re screwing over a lot of people right now. In fact, I may make Jake find someone up there to call today. It’s been over two months since we heard anything from them, and that’s just not acceptable as far as I’m concerned.

I’m itching to start putting up my Christmas decorations….is that bad?

Someone started an off topic thread on our Debate Politics forum…about the pros and cons of being a parent (the woman who started the thread doesn’t think she wants kids, but her husband does…). Anyway, Jake answered, and I want to share what he said. Made me cry.

Well, being a recent father (Noah is 1 mo 3wks), I would have to say that the stories of less time are true, and it would be worse for me if I actually had a life, but since we don’t know very many people here even though we’ve been here for just over 1 year now, its not that big of a deal cause Its not like I have something better to do. With a newborn I guess the only thing is that he demands attention. Its much worse on Stace than it is on me, because my male body doesn’t exactly produce the type of nourishment he demands (And I do mean he DEMANDS it ).

The money factor sucks, but if the mother CAN and is WILLING to breast feed that can save a bunch, and its supposedly more healthy as well. I don’t know where my bank account would be if we were using formula. Another thing that takes getting used to is stopping everything to take care of his needs when he gets fussy. Those are about the only negatives I can think of, and it sounds like alot but once you get used to it you hardly notice it when compared to all the joys of having him around.

I remember when Stace first told me I was gonna be a Daddy. I had just returned home from going for a run, I went into the bedroom to change and she gave handed me one of those little gift bags. I looked at her funny and looked into the bag. I pulled out a book, "The Expectant Father", I just kinda looked at her funny. Then I pulled out another small book, "My Boys can Swim!", I laughed as I looked at the cover. Then I pulled out a pregnancy test that showed pregnant. My heart stopped. We had tried to have a baby when we were in the military, but after months of trying we were interrupted by a deployment and didn’t start "trying" again when I returned. When we both got out of the military we decided it was probably better than we didn’t try because of the transition to being civilians and getting jobs/healthcare/etc. That morning that Stace told me she was pregnant we were living off of Unemployment with me starting Police academy in a week. So you can Imagine I wasn’t very comfortable with the thought of being a father when I had to mooch off of the government to pay the bills (at least for a short while). For a while I was kinda nervous and Stace thought I was mad about the whole thing.

Now though, I can’t walk into the same room as Noah without getting a big grin on my face, I’ll watch him sleep for what seems like forever. I know others have said it several times and I agree that there is nothing better than having him fall asleep while laying on my chest. And he makes the cutest faces you’ll ever see. And I remember when I held him for the first time I tried, but failed, to hold back tears of joy. Yeah, poopy diapers are kinda gross, but when you get over it, its actually pretty good comedy, especially when you hear adult sized farts comming from him from 5 feet away after a long grunt from him.

With a boy, getting peed on while changing a diaper may not be fun, but you can still laugh about it. I think thats the only time you can ever laugh about getting pissed on. (Stace got crapped on once too ).

Its only been nearly 2 months for me, But I can honestly say I wouldn’t give him up for a chance to be as Wealthy as Bill Gates surrounded by 72 virgins and king of the world.


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November 10, 2006
November 10, 2006

What a sweet sweet post. You have to put that in Noah’s scrapbook!

November 10, 2006

That is sweet. =) I ended up not going to Roanoke today cause of all of our BF’ing issues. I didn’t want to be in someone else’s house, struggling to get her to eat without me being in pain. Anyway, I wish I had known sooner cause I would’ve loved for you to come out here today, since J.W.’s off work! I’m guessing it’s a bit too late to change plans now though. =) Tomorrow wouldbe just fine for me though. Why don’t you give me a call when you get a minute?

November 10, 2006

That is so sweet. 🙂

November 10, 2006


November 10, 2006


November 10, 2006

OMG this is so sweet.. it gives me chills! You’re such a lucky girl, I hope you know this.

November 11, 2006

I remember how worried you were that jake wasn’t happy about you being pregnant, omg that seems like just yesterday and now you have a handsome little man in your life! That was a really sweet entry, you have an awesome little family of your own now! *hugs*

November 11, 2006

That’s really sweet :o)

November 12, 2006

That’s very sweet!

aww.. that was way cute! 🙂 and sweet..just..awww.