Picture Whores pt. 2

More pictures back one, and back two before that as well, if you haven’t seem ’em yet.

Here’s the items I got after exchanging some stuff…

Jake loves this, ’cause Noah can be dressed just like his Daddy!! (He wears button up shirts over t shirts all the time)

Jake was thrilled when I showed him this, too….he’s been miffed because we hardly ever see anything about Daddy, it’s always about Mommy!!

Erica, I thought of you when I saw this!!


My mom got kind of mad last night when I told her that I exchanged some stuff. Well, too bad. I know what we need/want, and that’s the whole purpose of having registries!! If we weren’t broke, and if I had a room just for all of Noah’s things, it wouldn’t have been a huge deal at all. But we ARE broke, and I DON’T have a room just for Noah’s stuff, so I really have to watch what we get. In fact, I was planning on taking an inventory later to assess exactly what we do have and what we’ll still need. When I told her that I took back some of the clothes we got, she was like "You don’t know what you’re getting into…." Well, duh, I’m a first time mom!! But as you can see, I did get MORE clothes in exchange……but everything I took back was 0-3 months, and I’ve already got a lot of stuff in that size….the white onesies, I got in 0-3 months because I didn’t have any white ones in that size yet, but everything else is 3-6. They only fit in the 0-3 months stuff for a few weeks, really….why focus on that size, when he’ll be wearing larger sizes before we know it? And it’s not like I can’t do laundry as necessary!!

This is EXACTLY why I don’t want her here when I’m in labor/the couple of weeks after he’s born. She will be giving me advice out the butt, and I’m bound to do so many things that are "wrong" to her. Not to mention the fact that, if Jake can get a few days off of work, I’ll want to spend that time on the THREE of us bonding, and we can’t very well do that with Mom jumping in everywhere.

But I can’t tell Mom any of that, because it would majorly hurt her feelings. And I know I’ll be grateful for the help and everything, but I dread her trying to tell me what to do. This is MY baby, and he’s going to be raised how Jake and I want to do things, NOT how she thinks we should be doing it!!

Oy. Just thinking about all of that is giving me a headache.

And I’ve already got enough headaches to deal with. Like how we’re going to get all of the bills paid this month.

That VA money can’t start coming fast enough.



Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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June 13, 2006

My Mom and Adam’s Mom are like that too. I can only imagine how they’ll be once the baby is here.

June 13, 2006

I wish there was a nice way to tell you mom how you feel and not hurt her feelings, but sometimes you just have to be straight foward. Tell her it’s really important for you, Jake and Noah to bond, so you are going to have minimal visitors, and that includes family.

I felt the same exact way when i was pregnant, my mom is such a control freak that i thought she’d take over everything. Turns out, that’s what i wanted/needed her to do. I mean, I knew how to take care of a baby *in theory* i had read all the books, had the right *stuff* but when it came down to it, she helped me get organized, taught me how to bathe her, simple things, and in the end, i was glad

If that’s the case, then yes, say something to her gently. very gently. Good luck. hope you don’t mind if i add you to my favs list!

June 13, 2006

I can see where your mom might really piss you off…I can’t wait to see how my mom is. I saw her with Jody and I really hope she’s just like that with me. She was almost professional! Most moms can’t pull back like that though…anyhow, the clothes and stuff are all completely adorable!

June 13, 2006

I was really lucky the both my parents and in laws didn’t bug us.

June 13, 2006

Thank God my mom’s not like that, though she does have her ideas about a few things that I feel pretty strongly about. I think sometimes you just need to be firm and let her know that you will decide what’s best for your child.

June 13, 2006

you know i have never figured out why they put grippers on the bottom of infant’s socks. Are they worried a 3-6 month old is going to slip and fall? just something to ponder.

June 14, 2006

Hey! I come here and read you not just for the pictures, lol, but I do love to see pictures! haha 🙂 I love the little hand and foot print little thing, too cute! Everything looks nice! When you have a shower I know what you mean, you have stuff that you need, random things just take up room that you don’t have. For my wedding shower I returned 2 baskets of thing just at Wal-Mart!! 🙂

i think its good that you are thinking ahead.. because you are right… you have to plan a lil bit ahead for when they grow out of those clothes…. babies grow like weeds… so why have too much… oh and I LOVE the plane outsift!!

June 14, 2006

ryn: There should be an equivalent Army website maybe? I don’t know what the army equivalent to randolph is but if I were you since you guys just had stuff going through the VA for Jake’s tuition/money, assume yours were in there and you can put fraud alerts on both of your credits.

I already told my mother not to be offended if I don’t want her in the delivery room or anywhere near me during that time. Not that I have a lot against her, but I figure I’ll want to spend that time with hubby and baby. Just thought I could give her that info a few years in advance to avoid any problems.I hope it all works out with your mom and that she doesn’t get too persnickety.

Maybe you could just listen to her without letting her irritate you and maybe some of her advice will help you now or in the future.Being a three person family is important to you yes,but she as your son’s grandma is important also.Instead of feeling like she is trying to run the show,open up and maybe she will offer her knowledge and support.