Picture Time!

Realized I haven’t shared any pictures of the little guy lately, so here’s some I’ve taken over the past few days!

Mommy’s Christmas present!

This is quite easily my new favorite picture of him.

This is what happens a lot of times if he falls asleep while eating…because if I try to move him anywhere else, he’ll wake up and cry.

These last three are just from this morning….he was sitting on the Boppy pillow, on my lap, in the first two.

Oh…and this is my Christmas wreath. Don’t have room for a tree this year. And I don’t have to worry about the cats getting into this!

The ornament in the very middle? Is an ark, haha. Mom got it. Says "Baby’s first Christmas".

The penguins on the bottom? That’s our family ornament for this year. Mommy, Daddy, and Baby penguin.

The one next to it? Found it at AC Moore. It’s a police officer!

And the one to the right of that (as you’re looking at it, of course)? Is the First Christmas ornament that I got for Noah. It’s a little bell with a baby head and the bib says the first Christmas stuff.

Doing some online holiday shopping? Visit my website!


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December 14, 2006

Look at those eyes! Love ’em. 🙂

December 14, 2006

*random noter* He’s SO cute!! You’re so blessed!

December 14, 2006

the ornaments on the wreath is very cool idea. i like it 🙂 what a cutie pie! xo

December 14, 2006

He is absolutely adorable! So sweet and so beautiful!

December 14, 2006

hes gorgeous

December 14, 2006

Gosh, he is so so cute!!!

December 14, 2006
December 14, 2006

He looks JUST like you!!! He is so handsome. 🙂

December 17, 2006

Awww he is so beautiful! He’s growing so much too! And I love the wreath. How are the kitties adjusting to the baby? RYN: That letter I copied from planetfeedback so it will be going to corporate. But most of the Target stores out here are exactly like that, unfortunately, I’m glad that they are more reasonable where you are but I still will never give them another dime of my money.

December 25, 2006

I KNEW I had missed the picture entry! 🙂 The third one is my favorite too! Very pinchable cheeks!