Picture Heavy*


Putting this edit at the top since there’s so many pictures in this entry……

You know what Stace?? SCREW YOU, and the horse you rode in on, I am thinking it is probably about as big as Jen or Cass, that is a toss up!! go bother someone else, leave me alone!! [sgrandmaison]

No thanks, I have a husband for that.

Jen and Cass have nothing to do with this.

And uh…..yeah. YOU’RE the one that IM’ed me. YOU’RE the one leaving these notes. So, uh, care to explain exactly how I’M bothering YOU?

You don’t like me responding to these notes? There’s a simple solution: STOP READING MY FUCKING DIARY AND STOP LEAVING NOTES.

But if you’re too immature to do that, well, then I’ll just keep right on responding to them, so all of my readers can see just how fucking crazy you are, and there will be no doubt as to why Jen, Cass, and I are no longer friends with you, or as to why Danielle never wanted anything to do with you.




Well, a few things to address before I get to the pictures.

First, a note left by Stacie after I edited my last entry to respond to her first note.

call the WAAAAAAMBULANCE!!!!!!!!!! YOU were the one that was leaving unsigned notes on MY diary!! so, F*ck YOU and you pregnant ass!!!!!!!!!! BITCH!! Call Jen, I am sure she can console YOU!!!!!!! [sgrandmaison]

Uh, ok. Sure. The only notes I ever left you were signed. I have nothing to hide…..though you obviously do.

And what, exactly, does my being pregnant have to do with any of that?

Good lord, grow up, Stacie. I left you a couple of notes, then you go and write some hate filled entry towards me. Yeah, I saw that before your diary disappeared. And I’m not stupid, I know that some of your little friends think I was behind that. Let ’em think what they want, but I know that I didn’t, and that’s good enough for me.

But you must have thought I didn’t see that entry, based upon your wanting to talk to me sooo badly. So, this is how you try to prove that what happened last year wasn’t your fault? This is your way of trying to show me that Jen and Danielle have been lying to me? Please.



I realized that I never explained to y’all about Brandi being in jail. I don’t remember the whole story, but basically, she was on probation for communicating a threat or something. Then her and Chris got into some huge fight, and she stabbed him with a screwdriver. So, now she’s in jail. She’s been trying to get Daddy to bail her out, but he’s done with all of that now. We all pretty much agree that jail is probably the best place for her right now.

I had my 32 week appointment yesterday. It was originally scheduled for 10:30, but got pushed back to 2 because Dr. Cannon was in surgery. Dr. Cannon wasn’t concerned about the small amount of bleeding I had, since it was such a small amount. At first she wanted to say that the cramping is probably Braxton Hicks, but trust me, I know the difference. So I explained a little further and she said it’s probably just my uterus stretching out a little more. OK, cool, I can deal with that. Mentioned the swelling, but she agrees that it’s most likely due to the heat, and my blood pressure and weight are fine, so there’s no concern there, either. I gained another two pounds, which is good since I’m at the point where I should be gaining a pound a week anyway. Little man’s heartbeat is still nice and strong. So, basically, everything is good. I forgot to mention my concern about not getting my Rhogam shot at 28 weeks, but I called today and asked about it; I’m going in tomorrow morning to get that. And after my next appointment, I’ll start going every week.

Yesterday was Jake’s first day actually in his division. His PTO had a vacation day, so he just rode along with another officer. They went to this one apartment complex that caught fire yesterday morning, and I learned something that the news hasn’t mentioned about it – it was arson. They went on an emergency call where some people were trying to kick in this lady’s door, and he also got to fill out a false alarm notice for a house – their alarm went off and when they went to check it out, they didn’t find anything at all, and around here, you can only have so many false alarms before the department starts fining you, so they give out notices. He had a lot of fun though, and I’m glad. He’ll be on 5th shift (9:45 to 6) for 6 weeks, and then he’s switching to 1st shift, which is 6:15 to I think 2. I haven’t met his Captain or anything, but he seems like a cool guy…..I don’t remember if I mentioned this, but he’s going to let Jake take a week of vacation when Noah is born, even though he’ll still be in PTO training and they’re normally not allowed to take vacation time then. He’ll have to make up that week of training, of course, but that’s no big deal.

And…..that’s about all I’ve got for now. Aside from the pictures, of course!!

First off…..I finally have pictures of the rest of the house to show y’all! You’ve already seen our bedroom, so I’ll skip that.

Our main bathroom. I didn’t take a picture of the half bath downstairs, it’s nothing special and we hardly use it. Anyway, see where that towel is hanging up, on the right? That’s where my laundry closet is.

Spare bedroom, from the doorway. Like the Kasey Kahne shrine?

From the shrine corner….you can see my shelves full of diecast. See all of those plastic storage boxes on the left? Yeah, they’re all full of pictures. Anyway, what you can’t see is that behind them are all of my KK haulers.

Looking into the kitchen from the living room. I don’t know how well you can see this, but if you look at the left side of the blinds, there’s a hole that the cats made to peep out of. Bad kitties.

From the doorway….the door on the left there is to the half bath. There’s another door to the left of where I was standing to take this picture, for the pantry. And somehow, I managed to not take a picture showing the stove or the sinks. Eh. Well, the stove, you can see a little of it here, it’s to the right of the microwave. And the sink is to the left of the fridge.

<img alt="" src="http://images1.snapfish.com/347726576%7Ffp348%3Enu%3D325%3B%3E973%3E949%3EWSNRCG%3D3233996%3B%3A5

373nu0mrj” />

Heh. Jake got mad when he realized that I was snapping pictures and he was going to be in them. Anyway, part of the living room….you can see our enormous DVD collection, the dining table, and that’s Noah’s swing down there on the right.

More living room. Too bad I had the blinds pulled up partially, otherwise you could have seen the damage Riley and Kasey have done to that set. That door on the left hand side is for the closet, and that’s all of my scrapbooking stuff between it and the TV.

Looking from the stairs/front door area. See those photo collage frames? The one on the left is all Jake and his family; the one on the right is all me and mine. Eventually, I’ll have a third that’s just me, Jake, and Noah.

So that’s my house. Now, tell me……anyone see anything unhealthy here?

Moving on to Jake’s graduation….I took a lot more pictures than what I’m posting right now, I need to edit some of them.

Getting his certificate from Chief Stephens. Or is it Stevens? I can never remember. Anyway.

Shaking hands with Captain Baker…..NOT his division Captain, by the way. Captain Baker is strictly Academy/training.

About to get his badge from Officer Linto…

Carley and Dale outside the Academy…

Daddy and Jake. Dawn was taking a picture at the same time, that’s why they weren’t looking at me.

JR, Dale, Daddy, and Jake.

Jake and Carley. LOVE this picture.

And. These are the "some of the cutest pictures I’ve ever seen" I mentioned in my Placeholder entry.

Dawn, Lisa (the woman that’s taking care of Brandi’s son Christopher), and Louisa took Brandi’s kids, Dale, and Carley to have their pictures done.



Devon – Brandi’s oldest son.


Katelyn – she’s grown so much since we saw her at Easter!!

All of the kiddos – I’m guessing Dale just didn’t like having sunglasses on his face, lol.

Just Brandi’s kids – wouldn’t you want to do something to improve your life if you had three beautiful children like this? It still boggles my mind that she cares so little about them.

And last, but not least, all of the grandkids.


That’s all, folks…..I think that’s more than enough for one day!!

Make your Noah predictions here!

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July 27, 2006

Cute Kids *Random poster*

July 27, 2006

Love your house!!!!

July 27, 2006

Lovely. 🙂

July 27, 2006

love the pics but there is none of you?

July 27, 2006

You are going to have to do that with them when Noah is born! It’ll be so adorable! Congratulations to Jake, he looks handsome in that Police uniform!

July 27, 2006

I love the die cast shelf. Looks a lot like mine…

July 27, 2006

I loooove your coffee table! Love love love it! Cute house 🙂

July 27, 2006

You have a nice apartment. =) We haven’t really put together any of Addison’s swings or anything. We don’t want the cats getting on them so we’re holding off on that for now. I can’t wait until I can take pics of Adam graduating from his Academy.. so, cross your fingers he passes his test next week. =) Ignore Stacie. She’s worthless. She’s just out to cause trouble for the millionth time. She’s crazy. That’s how she gets her kicks in life. It’s sad.

July 27, 2006

What great pictures! Your home and your family are lovely. Who is Stacie?

July 27, 2006

F.U.N.! so proud of jake!!!

July 27, 2006

RYN- Was she StacieArellano?

July 27, 2006

those kids are so precious. i’m envious of your house; it’s so neat and clean! lol. take care,

July 27, 2006

You know what Stace?? SCREW YOU, and the horse you rode in on, I am thinking it is probably about as big as Jen or Cass, that is a toss up!! go bother someone else, leave me alone!!

July 27, 2006

Eh. That’s all I have to say about that. Screw her.

July 27, 2006

ryn: Yea, you & another fav are in NC & that is all that makes it ok so far LOL

July 27, 2006

She’s like poison. First me, now you. Ugh.

July 27, 2006

Thanks 🙂

July 27, 2006

LMAO at Brandi! You guys are right to leave her in there. Jake got great hours! Hopefully he’ll get the earlier shift though, that way you can take the afternoons off! I love your house, and the pics of Jake and the kids look so good. I can’t believe Brandi doesn’t want to fix her life so she can be there for them. They’re so precious!

July 27, 2006

You can block Stacie from your diary, you know.

July 27, 2006

BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My kids are less trouble than YOU!!!!!!!!! Later!!

July 27, 2006

What beautiful kids! And congrats to Jake! 🙂


Hey!!! I’ve seen the DVD collection AND the two big picture collages in person!!! *lol* And what great pictures… and I finally saw what JR looks like! 😀

July 29, 2006

Wow, your apartment is huge!

July 31, 2006

I read earlier that someone mentioned your house wasn’t clean. Either I’m seeing things or that house was clean!!! Those are some cute pics!