
No, no pictures to share just now….but we’re going later today to have pictures done! I’m excited to dress my little man up in his cute new sweater, and I’m excited to finally be having professional family photos done, even if I am going to look like a fat cow. Yeah, yeah, I’m pregnant, but I’m still a fat cow. Though, funny thing about that…..apparantly, even though my appetite returned a few weeks ago, I’ve lost weight from my last appointment. Eh, I’ve got plenty there to sustain myself and the jelly bean, though, so it’s certainly nothing to be concerned about at this point.

Pizza Hut ticked me off last night. Our pizza was half an hour late, and then the driver didn’t even bring the Pepsi we ordered. Driver said she could bring it back or credit our account; Jake asked her to bring it back. She called ten minutes later and asked if it would be ok if she brought it by on her way home….an hour later. Um, no. We were not happy. I sent an email. Not acceptable in my book.

We really ought to be getting a check from the VA soon. Maybe even today….that’d be nice. Remember, I sent in that last form by certified mail. I know they got it, and they sent Jake another form for the next series of months to report. So I see no reason why the moolah should be held up any longer. Makes me happy!

Not much else going on around here. Still working on getting the house finished, but I need Jake’s help and he’s always freakin’ playing WoW. I still don’t get him and that game. Yes, I play too, but I’ve barely logged on for the past two weeks, only really long enough to see if a couple of my buddies were on or not. I really can’t understand how Jake can sit there and play for, oh, approximately five hours every single day, more on his days off. Sure would be nice if I didn’t practically have to force him to interact with me and Noah.

Wonder what kind of withdrawal he’s going to go through while we’re in Jacksonville and he can’t play, especially since his dad currently has no internet access at all – he’s too far out in his new place for cable or DSL and he refuses to use dial up.

Anyway, that’s all from me for now. I’ll try to post our pictures later if I get a chance to use the desktop computer.



lilypieexpecting a baby ticker

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December 6, 2007

I hate that game for that reason. A lot of my friends have been so addicted to it to the point that hanging out with real life people was far too much trouble. I can’t even imagine dealing with that from your partner! I’d say if it gets any worse, you’ll have to work out some guidelines between you because you do deserve his contributions to home life.

December 6, 2007

My DH used to play EQ and WoW all.the.time too. It was insane how much time he could put into a GAME. But thankfully as our oldest son got older and then we had our 2nd baby he gave up the gaming. Good luck in Jacksonville if he goes through withdrawal, that could get ugly! lol