
Haha, this is what happens when I leave a signed note on Amanda’s [Mrs_PriMeViL] diary for unsigned noters [U.N.F.T.P.E.]….

I get my OWN unsigned notes! And I gotta say, answering these losers is pretty fun.

I hope your baby is not as ugly as you and your husband. and yes, you are FAT.

You’ve obviously never heard that people have different ideas of who’s attractive and who isn’t. Do you really think I care that you think I’m ugly, or that you think my husband is ugly? Uh, nope, not really. And why do you care what my baby will look like? It’s not your kid, therefore, won’t be your problem.

And oh yes, it takes a whole lot of effort to call me fat, seeing as how I’m SEVEN AND A HALF MONTHS PREGNANT. *rolls eyes*


blah blah blah blah blah, your a Very boring "person" to read. I hope you are a more exciting mother to your "baby" than you are a diary writter. and cats SUCK.


blah blah blah blah blah, you’re a very boring noter. If you don’t like my diary, don’t read it. Simple concept to grasp, really, and yet, it eludes so many people here. Same thing with cats. You don’t like ’em? Then don’t keep any as pets!  [sarcasm] Oh no, some pansy ass that can’t sign their note thinks that cats suck, I’d better get rid of mine RIGHT NOW!! [/sarcasm]


Geez, do you people stop to think about how stupid you sound before you click on that "Leave Note" button? You’re going to have to step your game up a bit if you’re hoping to actually insult me.


Actually, to be perfectly honest, I’ m not completely convinced that these notes were left by a couple of Amanda’s anonymous noters. There is one other person I suspect, because of the content of the first note, and because of the lack of spelling skills displayed in the second. And if the notes were indeed left by that person, well….you’re a sad, sad person and my little sister is more mature than you are. Grow the fuck up, at least for you kids’ sake.

But, if these notes were indeed left by some of Amanda’s fans….well, now my readers can see why we love to sit and laugh at you. You folks really aren’t the brightest crayons in the box, now are you?

Ah, I wish Amanda would go to signed notes only, if only for a day. I get a good chuckle picturing these anonymous losers starting at their computer screens in shock as they scratch themselves like a crack fiend needing a fix. Oh, the anxiety these people would go through, when faced with the prospect of not being able to leave an unsigned note….priceless.




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lol Tell me about it. They are losers over there who have nothing else better to do. They think it hurts people’s feelings. I read the whole thing today and laughed my ass off. They dedicated the whole entry to me. ha ha ha Oh well. People will always feel bigger behind a computer.

RYN: Seriously, instead of being the little brats that they are. I bet they are all 13 year olds with nothing else better to do. Oh well. I’m not affected by it because they don’t come over to my diary and try that shit with me.

July 4, 2006

I still don’t get and will never grasp why people are too chicken shit to sign what they say.

July 4, 2006

I wonder if this is the same person who noted me? *rolls eyes* And you are neither ugly nor fat. F**k ’em.

July 4, 2006

I think the quotes around ‘person’ and ‘baby’ are my favorite part; are they implying that you are not a person and you not having a baby? what a dumbass.

July 4, 2006

What is up with the unsigned notes today? Yeesh. I think people like that are idiots, plain and simple. Happy 4th of July! 🙂

July 4, 2006

Don’t you love people like that? I had people leaving notes like that when I first got pregnant with Dakota telling me how fake I was. Those notes just made me laugh! And you’re not ugly or fat!

July 4, 2006

I lurk at her diary, and they people are just about as interesting as the notes they leave.

July 4, 2006

I will bet three summers of sunshine it is our white trash friend LMAO.

July 4, 2006

RYN- I didn’t realize I had allowed unsigned notes on my diary. Lord! Some people have nerve! If I have something to say, I’m going to say it loud and proud and not hide behind an anonymous note. Your note, my dear, cracked me up!

July 4, 2006

ryn: I will definitely do that 🙂

I hope these people aren’t Americans. I really fear for my country knowing that we are infested with more morons than intelligent people. Shame these are anonymous- I wish I could join the fun.

Why the hell is ‘person’ marked in quotes in of those notes? What else could you be? A horse with computer/technological and grammar skills? If “you” are a horse, at “least” you have “better” grammar than the “person” who left you those “notes.” Jesus.

July 4, 2006

Lame! Thanks for the note, and like I told Cassie I may not note you as much as I used to, but I still read and I care about you and if you ever need someone to talk to I’m always here.

July 4, 2006

RYN: We all like Kasey Kane cause he drives for Dodge 🙂 We got her onesies at Wal-Mart. $10 for 2 of them

July 5, 2006

RYN- I KNOW! Just because I know where every item of his is does not mean that he can be lazy and not look for it. He’s an adult. Still, though, this morning- “Honey, where’s my belt?” “Same place it always is.” “Babe, where is my beret?” “Where did you leave it?” Drives me NUTS! (Mind you, this is at 4:30 a.m. when he had to get up to open the arms room. Could he not have set out his clothes

July 5, 2006

last night? *twitch* LOL

July 5, 2006

You find the most interesting things on this site… 🙂

did you leave a nice or mean note on her diary?

do these people really have nothing else to do??

ya know what gets me.. is that they sit here and try to right “BALLSY” notes… but then they cant even have the BALLS to stand behind what they say…. thats sad

July 6, 2006

lol what is wrong with people? why would call a pregnant person fat? and you know what, i’m not even pregnant and i’m fat, so what, does that make me a horrible person? i hate that insult lol 🙂

RYN: the prime evil girl…amanda?

July 18, 2006

People who leave mean, unsigned notes should be murdered in the street.

July 18, 2006

And, oh my gosh. You’re not fat! You’re pregnant!